Imagine exploring the expanses of the known world as Europe knew it in the year 1000 AD. The geopolitical map of that era is more similar to our own than many realize. Join us as we explore the known world as it existed at the start of the Late Middle Ages**. Enjoy traveling with us, and enjoy the activities of the day.
There will be fighting with both Steel and Rattan, and as is our tradition highlighted by the Chieftains Tourney to determine who will hold the Chieftains Mace for another year. Though there will be no feast, there will be a groaning board included in the registration fee, from 11am until court, stocked with foods located you might run across in your travels. And if you need a break from the crowds the site’s Sanctuary will be available as a quiet space, until it opens up for Court. The Church is dry but after the lists are fought and until Court, you can join Corbyn, our host, at his home on site to share libations.
**Late Middle Ages, as defined by TRM whim.
Arlington United Methodist Church
3770 McKelvey Rd, Bridgeton, MO 63044
Site Information
This is a dry, non-smoking site with a gym, fellowship hall, kitchen, sanctuary, and multiple breakout rooms located in Saint Louis County. Please respect our contract with our new site and do not bring alcohol, wine, beer, etc. into the building. The site has two levels but is handicapped accessible with an elevator in addition to stairs.
From Eastbound or Westbound on I-70:
Take I-270 North:
Immediately Exit Hwy180/St Charles Rock Rd
Right onto St Charles Rock Rd
**Proceed 0.6mi
Left on McKelvey Rd. Proceed 0.2mi
Site will be on the right
Coming Northbound on 1-270:
Exit onto Hiwy 180/St Charles Rock Rd and continue as described above.
Coming Southbound on I-270
Exit on Hwy 180/St Charles Rock Rd
Turn Left onto St Charles Rock Rd, and then follow directions above from **
The exit for Hwy 180/St Charles Rock Rd starts before the merge onto North 270 is complete. STAY RIGHT on the ramp and watch for EXIT 20B. GPS invariably calls it 20C. Do not believe it.
The Church is on the apex of a hill. Gate and an unloading area will be located at the back of the building.
The Site has a fair amount of parking but if the event is heavily attended and parking reaches capacity, the nearest surface parking lot is the TARGET lot located at McKelvy Rd and St Charles Rock Road.
Please unload all passengers and equipment before parking off site. A van will be cruising from 9am to 11am to give drivers a ride back to site, and also after the close of evening court. The walk is not far but the hill is significant.
Carpooling also will demonstrate wisdom.
Note: The lot previously described that is located further down McKelvy (at Natural Bridge Rd) has a “Parked cars will be Towed sign” and we do not recommend using it.
Unloading Areas
First enters the kitchen/merchant hall level directly, but it does so by way of a long sloping asphalt walkway, and is for use only by cooks and merchants. If the ramp is unusable due to weather or choice, you can use the other doors and then elevator or stairs.
Second is at the Gate. This level contains Gate, all Vigils, all Arts and Science classes and displays, and the Sanctuary.
Third opens into the Gymnasium. The Royal Privies are also on this level. This level is 3 stair steps higher than the kitchen/merchant level.
Smoking Area
The designated outdoor smoking area is a small permanent pavilion.
Included in the Registration Fee is a Groaning Board in the Fellowship Hall attached to the Kitchen on the lower level. The Board will be serving from 11am until 4pm. A variety of foods you might find served to travelers or travelers might bring for themselves is planned. Our Head Cook is Lady Isabeau du Coeur, (MKA Stephanie Campbell). Contact by text preferred to 314-221-8522, and please identify yourself. FB messenger also used, under her non-SCA name.
In addition there are numerous eateries at all price points in the surrounding areas, as well as meeting most shopping needs that could arise for you urgently.
The Groaning Board
- Mini Cheese Balls (vegetarian, gluten free, nut free) (+dairy)
- Flatbreads (vegan, nut free, dairy free) (+gluten)
- Mini Flaumpens, pork and cheese pies (nut free) (+meat, +dairy, +gluten)
- Faux Meat Flaumpens (vegan, nut free) (+gluten)
- Flaumpens (gluten free, keto friendly/crustless, nut free) (+meat, +dairy)
- Commadore, mixed fruit paste, wrapped in pastry (vegan) (+gluten, +nuts)
- Spynoches (vegan, nut free, gluten free, keto friendly, dairy free)
- Beef brisket, sliced (nut free, gluten free, keto friendly, dairy free) (+meat)
- Gravy boats for sauce for beef brisket (dairy free, nut free) (+meat, +gluten)
- Aquapatys garlic relish (vegan, nut free, gluten free)
- Bukkenade, sweet pork cubes (dairy free, gluten free, keto friendly, nut free) (+meat)
- Bukkenade of tofu (vegan, gluten free, nut free) (+soy)
- Vegan Meatballs in sauce (vegan) (+gluten, +nuts)
- Vegan Losyns, layered pasta (+gluten)
- Sausage Losyns with Kajsa’s homemade sausage (+gluten, +meat)
- Cole Salat in sweet vinegarette (vegan)
- Bean Fryed Balls
- Frumenty Savory
- Chicken Pottage with parsnips, carrots, cabbage and leeks (dairy free, gluten free, keto friendly, nut free) (+meat)
- Apple Pies (vegan, nut free, dairy free) (+gluten)
- Mini Sambocades Elderflower Cheesecakes (vegetarian, nut free) (+dairy, +eggs, +gluten)
- Pickled Beets
- Pickled Onions
- Dill pickle spears
- Spiced almonds
- Smoked almonds
The Sanctuary is available to be used as a quiet retreat by the populaceafter morning court and all vigil ceremonies are completed. The balcony will be closed except during court. Your assistance in vacating the Sanctuary and its balcony immediately after morning court, and maintaining privacy for the Vigil ceremonies is requested. Children should be accompanied and quiet. Gregorian Chanting will be piped into the space quietly.
Martial Activities
No archery or Equestrian is available at this indoor site.
Rattan Combat
Martial in Charge: Sir Matthieu Chartrain
Rattan Steward of Combat: Lord Corbin Meniguyeat
Following Morning Court - 11am - Authorizations & Inspections
11:00am - 1:00pm - Chieftains Tourney
The Chieftains’s Tourney will be run as a double elimination tourney, using mace and 26 inch round shields. If the number of combatants make double elimination cumbersome Marshals will change this to single elimination.
1:00pm - 2:30pm - Speed Tourney
Open Weapons. Huscarls and Knights will fight single elimination. Men at Arms and Fyrd will fight double elimination.

Steel Combat
Marshal in Charge: HE Nadya
Stile Steward of Combat: HL Hugo van Harlo (Pelican pending)
Following Morning Court - Authorizations and Inspections
Spear authorizations may be available. TBD.
12:00pm - Weighted, Modified Bearpit
“Getteth thee into thine pit, and striveth to love someone.” - Lord Kid of the Rock
Details: Weapons don’t need to match, but no spears or longswords. Fighters form a line. As to cycle more fighters through, both combatants leave the field after each fight and the next two up take the field. Winner reports to the list mistresses their name and the following points scored:
- Beat a fighter of higher rank (e.g. Unranked beats a Fyrd): 5pts
- Beat a fighter of equal standing (e.g. Hus on Hus violence): 4pts
- Beat a lower-ranked fighter (e.g. a mean ole’ MoD beats a man-at-arms): 3pts
The combatant with the highest cumulative score wins the bearpit.
11:30 - Polearm Demo
Brought to you by Tedesco da Venezia, OD
After Lunch (c. 1:00) - MoD* Social
With the limited room, Masters of Defense will take the field one by one to offer a few training passes with a non-MoD fighter and offer feedback. Afterwards, the next pair of MoD and non-MoD takes the field, and so on. A formal line does not need to form, but non-MoD fighters should be courteous in allowing their fellows to also get training and feedback time from the Masters of Defense.
The Masters should provide the marshal(s) with their area of expertise, so the marshal(s) may direct any non-MoDs to them based on interest. Otherwise, this can be pretty casual.
* Visiting MoDs are most welcome. If there are not enough available MoDs compared to interested fighters, Huscarls and foreign GoA holders may be asked to join the Social as the teaching parties.
2:00 - Unofficial State Farm Single Sword Invitational
In celebration of Baron Giacomo’s elevation to the Order of Defense, we’re going to showcase a return to the fundamentals with a matched single sword tourney.
Details: Single elimination; each pairing a best of five fights. Each pairing must be fought with a matching blade style from the following list (up to the combatants’ choice): A. Rapier; B. Complex-Hilted Sidesword or Broadsword; C. Cruciform-Hilted Arming Sword; D. Saber, Dussack, or Messer, or E. Dagger
Following the Tourney - Stile Fyrd Meeting

Youth Combat
Marshal in Charge: Duke Donngal
Activities will start shortly after the close of Morning Court, in the Gym.
Arts & Sciences
A&S Steward: Lady Elisabetta of Three Rivers
A&S activities will be held in Rm 259 located just a few feet from Gate. Competition display tables will be in the Gate Hallway. See Lady Elisabetta to submit your entries.
Class Descriptions
Beginning European Dance
Taught by
Master Donald MacDonald
We will be covering some easy dances, all ages are welcome. Carolingian pavan, Black Nag, and Black Almon.
These dances will give you skills that can be applied to many other SCA Dances.
Construction of the Moy Gown
Taught by
Mistress Nessica Inghean Chearnaigh
Mistress Nessica regrets she is unable to attend Chieftains due to work obligations so this class is canceled.
MesoAmerican Cooking
Taught by
HE Zoe Mikre
This class will provide an overview of what people were eating in preHispanic Mesoamerica (that is, Central
Mexico to Northern Costa Rica before 1492) along with some plausibly period recipes and snacks! All snacks are
gluten-free and vegan options will be available; snacks are not suitable for those with allergies to corn or chiles.
Slab Pottery Construction
Taught by
Master Donald MacDonald
Hand Building - First 4 students to sit will be given the opportunity to make a slab built Mug. All others are
welcome to observe and listen. Time permitting we will cover some basics in coiling. I will fire your mug, and if
your piece survives, it will be donated to the Kingdom. You will be given credit for your work to the Kingdom. This
class has no fee. This is a good way to learn how to do pottery at home.

"What are you taking with you?" - Open Arts & Sciences Competition
Hosted by
Lady Elisabetta di Tres Fumi.
Make an item your persona would have used while traveling. This could be any kind of travel from a pilgrimage to a trip to the market. What item might a person have needed when leaving their home? Entrants should include their item and (at minimum) a 3"x5" note card worth of documentation explaining what the item is and how it would be used in period. This competition will be judged by populace vote, so please come see all the entries!
“Heraldry in any medium”- Three Rivers Baronial Arts & Sciences Champion Competition
Hosted by
Lady Kenda Ottarsdottir
Entries should have symbolism that identifies it as being affiliated with an individual or group, pre-1600s historic heraldic elements or SCA specific heraldry, documentation that includes an explanation of the heraldic elements.
Blank Borders Competition
Hosted by
HL Violet Sinclair
This is a blank borders competition! All borders being given to TRM/TRH to use as they wish. The borders need to be either 8x11 or 11x14 in size and leave at least a 4x6 space for writing the calligraphy and the signatures. Prizes will be given! Please consider entering the competition. It’s a chance to hone your skills AND to give to the kingdom!
11:00am - Making Watercolor Paints
This class has a cap of 6 students. Age 8+.
12:00pm - Medieval Games
All ages.
1:00 - Coloring
Youth activities room will have coloring supplies for youth and families who wants to use them during the event. All ages.
HL Wilhelm von Brandt
Elevation to the order of the Chivalry in evening court.
HE Giacomo dalla Fattoria dello Stato
Elevation to the order of the Masters of Defense in evening court.
HL Hildebrandr Tjúguskegg
Elevation to the Order of the Laurel in morning court.
All candidates will be placed on vigil following morning court.
The Vigil Hallway is on the same level as Gate, located behind the elevator.
Order Meetings
Their Royal Highnesses Agamemnon and Marie have requested order meetings for:
1:00pm - Order of the Pelican
2:00pm - Combined Lily/Silver Hammer
Order meetings will be held on the same level as the Gym in Wesley Hall. Signs will be posted near the elevator to lead you there.
Coordinator: Cara of Caer Rede
If you would like to be a vendor at Chieftains, please contact Cara of Caer Rede.
We have space for a limited number of merchants in the Fellowship Hall on the lower level. Merchants may set up Friday evening, or may enter at 8am on Saturday.
What are the COVID guidelines for this event?
Masks are not required but are encouraged. Immunization checks are not presently required. Please be aware that this policy may change just as COVID does.
Is there pre-registration?
The pre-registration system is not operational at this time. If it should become available in time we will announce this change. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted at Gate.
Is pre-registration required?
No. Pre-Registration is not required. Cash and checks only will be accepted at Gate.
If I miss the pre-registration deadline. Can I still attend?
Yes. You may register at gate.
Will there be an inn or feast?
There will be a “Groaning Board” from 11am until 4pm. Price is included in your entrance fee. Donations appreciated.
Is the site pet friendly?
Only registered service dogs, who must be kept on lead, and well behaved at all times.
Is this a wet site?
No. The church is completely dry. Please respect this restriction so we can be invited back. HOWEVER after fighting and before court, Corbyn will host a SOCIAL HOUR in his garage of the Parsonage on the church grounds. You are welcome to imbibe your brew there.
Please see individual activities for more detailed info.
Site opens for set-up
8:30 am
Gate opens
9:30 am
Morning Court - Santuary (Laurel Ceremony of Sir Hildebrandr. Please exit Sanctuary immediately after court unless attending vigils.)
Immediately following the close of Morning Court
Vigil ceremonies (in this order: Hildebrandr, Wilhelm, Giacomo) - Sanctuary
Both Fighting fields begin authorizations
Youth Combat opens (gym)
Merchants open - Dining Hall (lowest level)
A&S Class: Construction of the My Gown - Wesley Hall (gym level) - Class cancelled by instructor.
11:00 am
Morning groaning table opens - Fellowship Hall (lowest level) A&S Competition entry closes - Gate's Grand hall Youth Activities - Rm 102: Making Watercolor Paints (Max 6 students, Age 8+) Chieftains Tourney - Rattan Listfield
11:30 am
Youth Combat - Gym (Duke Donngal) Polearm Demo - Steel Listfield Beginning European Dance - A&S (Gate Great Hall, Rm 259)
12:00 pm
Sanctuary opens as Quiet Space. Youth Activities - Medieval Games (All ages) Weighted, Modified Bear Pit - Steel Listfield
1:00 pm
Pelican Order Meeting - Wesley Hall (gym level) MesoAmerican Cooking Class - A&S (Gate Great Hall, Rm 259) MoD Social - Steel Listfield Speed Tourney - Rattan Listfield
2:00 pm
Lily/Silver Hammer Orders Meeting - Wesley Hall (gym level) Unofficial State Farm Single Sword Invitational - Steel Listfield Slab Pottery Construction Class - A&S (Gate Great Hall, Rm 259)
3:00 pm
Last hour for the Groaning Table A BYOB hospitality area opens after fighting at the Parsonage - Across from Gate entrance
3:30 pm
Hildebrandr, Wilhelm, and then Giacomo will be taken off vigil by TRM4:00
Groaning table closes Merchants area closes
5:00 pm
Parsonage hospitality area closes Evening Royal Court - Gym