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Class Schedule is now available!

We are currently webifying the schedule for easy display. However, you can get the advance PDF version right now.

View the list of classes.

Time Friday –Sept 3 Saturday –Sept 4 Sunday –Sept 5 Monday –Sept 6
Sunrise 6:31am 6:32am 6:33am 6:33am
8am-9am   Breakfast
(The B3R Coronet Fund)
(Inn TBD)
(Canton of Aston Tor)
9am-noon Morning Class block
To Come
Morning Class block
To Come
Morning Class block
To Come
noon-1pm Lunch
( The B3R Coronet Fund)
(Inn TBD)
(No Inn Available
1pm-5pm Afternoon Class block
To Come
Afternoon Class block
To Come
Afternoon Class block
To Come
5pm-7pm Site opens! Dinner
(Canton of Aston Tor)
(Inn TBD)
Site closes
7pm-collapse Bonfire! Bonfire!
Sunset 7:29pm 7:27pm 7:26pm 7:24pm