The Barony of Three Rivers Presents

The 1381 Chronicles

October 18-20

Site opens at 5pm Friday – Site closes 12pm on Sunday


Adult – $35
Adult, Member Discount – $25
Youth 6-17 – $10
Children under 6 – free

Make checks payable to:
SCA, Inc: Barony of Three Rivers

Event Stewards

Rivka bat Zakarriyyā & Jon Chesey


Rivka bat Zakarriyyā
Rachaelp1003 @

Jon Chesey
VoijaRisa @

Please put “1381 Chronicles” in the subject line.


Link to schedule if embedded version above is hard to view


In 1328, the French King Charles IV died without any male heirs. The nearest male relative happened to be Edward III – the King of England. However, the French were uninterested in being ruled by a foreign King. Because Edward III laid claim to the throne through his mother, Isabella, the French ruled that he was ineligible to inherit the throne as the royal line needed to pass through only male heirs. Edward III rejected this starting the Hundred Years war.

During Edward’s life, he was largely successful, capturing large swaths of land in Aquitaine and establishing a temporary peace treaty. But years later, when Edward suffered a series of strokes and the end of the treaty was drawing nigh, the French saw this as an opportunity to retake their lands.

Edward III’s oldest son, Edward “the Black Prince,” died before him, leaving the nine year old Richard II to take the throne in 1377. This left the country unprepared for the French retaliation and the war quickly turned towards France’s favor as the French had entered a military allegiance with Castile and the combined fleets raided English coasts.

In an attempt to raise a defense and return to the offensive, the English parliament repeatedly taxed the struggling nation. This came to a head in 1381 when the struggling peasantry became outraged that the previous rounds of taxation had apparently vanished without any military victories, leading them to suspect that the wealthy nobles had instead been pocketing the taxes.

Furthermore, plagues in 1346 and 1353 had wiped out around half of England’s population taking a massive toll on the labor pool. Yet, for those that remained, skilled labor was suddenly in high demand and conditions for peasants improved markedly. But the nobles opposed these rising wages and passed laws forcing wages back to the pre-plague levels.

Peasants had also enjoyed additional freedoms in purchasing land and breaking free from the system of serfdom which kept many bonded to the land they worked. But greedy landlords (churches and abbeys not excluded) began seizing the lands they deemed “illegally” purchased.

On May 30, 1381, when the King’s tax enforcers came to Brentwood, in the county of Essex, to attempt to collect on taxes that many refused to pay, tensions came to a head and the peasants revolted…

The battle of Crecy as depicted in Froissart's Chronicles.
The battle of Crecy as depicted in Froissart’s Chronicles.


Peace Tree Farms
100 PeaceTree Lane,
Eolia, MO 63344

Site Rules

  • Swimming is permitted in the lake.
  • Please follow the loop described on the map with vehicles when possible.


  • Temporary parking for loading and unloading is permitted in all areas of the site. Once you have done this, please move your vehicle to the parking lot.
  • Parking is in the northwest corner of the site (see map).
  • During peak times (i.e., Friday night and Sunday mornings), the site owners will be providing a tractor shuttle between the overnight lot and the camping area.


The site owners will be vending food from the barn near the entrance of site (moderate walk from the area we will be using) which will be open from noon to midnight on Friday and Saturday. Prices are as follows:

  • Drinks
    • Soda: $2.00
    • Water: $1.00
    • Hot Chocolate: $2.00
    • Hot Cider: $2.00
    • Coffee: $2.00
    • Hot Tea: $2.00
    • Cappuccino: $3.00
    • CapriSun: $1.00
  • Food
    • Hot Dog: $3.00
    • Brat: $4.00
    • Chili Brat: $6.00
    • Chili Dog: $5.00
    • Nachos with Cheese: $6.00
    • Nachos with Pulled Pork: $10.00
    • Nachos with Chili: $8.00
    • Smoked Pork Bun: $7.00
    • Chili: $6.00
    • White Chicken Chili: $6.00
    • Pickle on a Stick: $2.00
    • Smore’s Kit: $6.00
    • Caramel Apple Bowl: $5.00
    • Popcorn: $2.00
    • Chips: $2.00

Nearby restaurants can be found in:

  • Eolia (~7 miles – 10 minutes South on HWY 61)
  • Bowling Green (~11 miles – 15 minutes North on HWY 61)
  • Troy (~27 miles – 30 minutes South on HWY 61)


Nearby hotels are limited:

  • Super 8 (15 min – East of site)
    1216 E Champ Clark Dr, Bowling Green, MO 63334
  • River Edge (25 min – North of site)
    201 Mansion St, Louisiana, MO 63353
  • The Eagles Nest Inn (30 minutes – North of site)
    217 Georgia St, Louisiana, MO 63353
  • Luxury Inn and Suites (30 minutes – South of site)
    107 King Dr, Troy, MO, 63379
  • Troy Inn and Suites (30 minutes – South of site)
    14 Frenchman Bluff Rd, Troy, MO, 63379
  • The Knights Inn (1 hour – NW of site)
    Booneslick Road, 403, 403, New Florence, MO, 63363
  • Comfort Inn (50 minutes – just north of St. Louis)
    100 Comfort Inn Ct, O’Fallon, MO 63366
  • Baymont by Wyndham Warrenton (1 hour – South of site)
    425 E Veterans Memorial Pkwy, Warrenton, MO 63383
  • Holiday Inn Express in Warrenton (1 hour – South of site)
    1008 N Hwy 47 And Interstate 7, Warrenton, MO, 63383


  • Cell signal is moderate-to-weak for most carriers.
  • The site will also be having a Halloween Haunted Hayride & Tunnel of Terror.
    • The Tunnel of Terror is $7/person
    • The Haunted Hayride is $15/person with a group discount of $12/person for a group of 12 or more

General Activities

This year, we’ll be focusing on activities that anyone can participate in!

Upon going through Gate this year, you will be given a card with the identify of an individual involved with the historic 1381 Peasant Revolt. This card will tell you if they were a noble or a rebel as well as what county they were in.

This information will determine what team you’re on for the event, so make sure to pay attention to it!

Rebels Among Us

Organized by: Marinos of Eleusis

The 1381 rebellion was the only time in history that the Tower of London was breached. Historians suspect they had a man on the inside that left the gate open.

We’ll be playing a live action version of Among Us in which attendees are given tasks to complete about the site. But at least one person involved will be the traitor.

Can you figure out who it is? Or will you wrongfully accuse an innocent noble?

Raiding the Nobles

Organized by: Alys Knighton

In order to get back at the nobles that the rebels accused of siphoning their taxes, rebels ransacked the homes of the gentry, destroying lease agreements and stealing money and property.

In this activity, rebels will be allowed to enter an encampment of a noble and given one minute to steal a number of items. Their goal will be to walk out with as much value as possible. The value of the items will be determined by the court records that were a result of the revolt and other sources.

(This activity will only be available to attendees on the rebel team.)

Securing the Leases

Organized by: Jamette de la Roche & Caspar Von Gorlitz

One of the main goals of the rebels was to end serfdom, in which people were bonded to the land with unfavorable terms, and could not leave or develop new skills without the permission of the landowner. Thus, rebels burnt the documents outlining the terms of this servitude.

However, copies were regularly kept at the county seat or in other institutions.

In this activity, nobles will be given scraps of their burnt agreements and have to match them to these copies to the back-up ones. But the rebels are coming for those two, so they only have a limited amount of time.

(This activity will only be available to attendees on the nobles team.)

Bluff the Attendees

Organized by: Sancha Lestrange

Do you enjoy the NPR gameshow Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me? If so, then this game is for you.

Sides will face off to try to sort truth from fiction. Each round, we’ll give one true story from the revolt or events leading up to it as well as two fake ones. Competitors will have to find the real one, so brush up on your history!


Organized by: Daniel of Arden

The rebels often communicated by letters which they knew could be intercepted. Thus, to disguise themselves and the intended recipients, they used pseudonyms which would be evident to the intended audience, but not necessarily to those that might intercept the letters.

In this activity, the two teams will face off with a host who will give each a list of pseudonyms of well-known Calontiri. Each team will attempt to determine who as many as possible are within the time limit.

Poetry Battle

Organized by: Shoshanah bas Nachmann

In thirteen hundred eighty-one
England would see the right thing done.
The people fought for people’s rights;
The gentry, to fund warlike knights.

They fought with pike, with kick and curse,
And some of them, they fought through verse.
They say pens have more might than swords…
Would YOU make war with wanton words?

Seek sleeves with streaming tippets green,
(There on Shoshanah and Sil seen)
And pick up card of green or blue
(Your side is coded by the hue.)

We’ll fill your hands with feathered pen.
To county seat you’ll stride, and then
Find poem of opposing color,
And post, “Fie!” to errant dullard!

Your efforts adjudged for their FIRE:
A point for each response inspired;
Our judges stern decide its fate
With cries of “vivat!” and “first rate!”

Have questions for our motley band?
Seek out Shoshanah, or Sil, her sinister hand,
Lay on! The fray begins at ten,
At two, you’ll put away your pen.

At court, the winning team announced.
Now, scram! You have a foe to trounce!

Find Shoshanah or her assistant Sil (we will be wearing green ribbons on our arms). We’ll give you pens and notecards color-coded for your team (blue for rebels and green for nobles).

You’ll visit as many of the six county boards scattered about the site. Upon these boards, there will be incendiary and calumnious poems written by the other side. Your mission, is to write… another notecard! Like this:

On this notecard, you’ll put the name given to you at the gate with how many poems you’ve written (including the one you are writing) in the top left-hand corner, and the name and poem number that inspired you. But most importantly, a short poem responding to it. This poem should be at least two lines long and contain at least one rhyme. You may respond to any poem by the opposing side. Then the other team will write poems responding to your poem, etc.

It’s a rap battle on paper! Don’t be hateful (e.g. use slurs, get personal to the writer [their historical pseudonym is okay], or say things that might legitimately be construed as a threat.) All fire MUST be metaphorical.
Points will be awarded to each team based on how many opposing poems respond to your poems; and special recognition from the judges. Victory will be counted toward the overall victory of the winning side of the revolt.

The killing of Simon of Sudbury at the Tower of London as depicted in Froissart's Chronicles
The killing of Simon of Sudbury at the Tower of London as depicted in Froissart’s Chronicles

Rattan Combat

Martial in Charge: Franco Suarez

Destroying the Records

One way the tax enforcers would know who has paid their taxes, and who hasn’t, is through financial records. So it sure would be a shame if something happened to those records…

In this scenario, the rebels goal will be to destroy the records by placing a “torch” into the building where the records are stored. Once the torch enters the building, a countdown will start. The defenders will then be able to retrieve buckets of water from a nearby well in an effort to put out the fire before it gets out of control. If they can, it results in a victory for the defenders. If the countdown ends and the records are destroyed, it is a victory for the rebels.

Grand Melee

The rebellion eventually squared off, with the rebels vs the King’s forces outside London. The rebellion’s leader, Wat Tyler went to negotiate with the King, but was stabbed by the mayor of London. The rebels were furious, but the 14 year old king rode towards the rebel army and declared he would be their leader, signaling that he would champion their cause. With this royal assurance, the rebels army disbanded…

But that’s no fun. So we’ll all fight to the last man!

Baronial Armored Championship

Our annual tournament to determine our armored baronial champion. Anyone is welcome to participate, even if they do not wish to fight in earnest.

Wacky Weapon Tournament

Organized by: Da’ud ibn Ibrahim al-Sisari

Rebels can’t be choosers. Bring your weirdest weapon systems and fight in this tournament where the rule is that you can’t use the same weapon system as your opponent.

The death of Wat Tyler during the Peasant's Revolt, from Froissart's Chronicles.
The death of Wat Tyler during the Peasant’s Revolt ad depicted in Froissart’s Chronicles.

Baronial Investiture

Around 11:00am

Giacomo & Nadya will step down in a court on Saturday morning, following TRM placing Aiysha on vigil. Gwynneth and Dagny will also be invested in this court.

Dagny and Gwynneth, the next Baronage of Three Rivers

Steel Combat

Baronial Steel Championship

A round robin tournament for the honor of becoming Three River’s Baronial Steel Champion.

Peasants Revolt – Meanest Mother Melee

If you are a noble, you get to use any weapon system you want, since you have all the money/resources. If you are a peasant, you only get a single sword or dagger. HOWEVER…. it’s a revolt, so it is two peasants vs one noble! If a noble is laid low, they join the peasants. If the peasants lose, they are conscripted to the nobles. Fights continue till there is one group of nobles and one group of peasants left for the final fight.

Queen Joanna’s Last Stand – Timed Slaughter Melee

It was 1380 when the Pope was convinced to excommunicate the brave and strong Queen Joanna I of Naples. Now it is 1381, and Charles Durazzo, King of Hungary has convinced the Pope to declare him the rightful ruler. But Charles has to bring his own army to remove Joanna. How long will she last?! (Historically till 1382). Two sides, Joanna’s troops with some type of fortification or defense. The Hungarians with the power of more troops (time released resurrections). A timed battle till Joanna’s forces are gone. Switch sides and run it again.

Black Plague Strikes Again – Bear Pit

Will this Plague ever go away? Standard Bear Pit tourney with a grab bag full of afflictions from the Plague. Will you get the clean bill of health? Or will you get that loss of a limb or just straight out death? You will know what is coming, but not how long, as the roll of the bones will indicate the time of the marshal’s bell when your affliction presents itself.


Martial in Charge: Dammo Utwiler

The archery range will be open from 11:30am to 3:30pm.

There will be 4 shoots from a common line which can be shot in any order at any time the range is open. Each shoot is 2 ends of 6 arrows.

There will be a prize for the highest score.

After you have completed the competition, you may continue to shoot at any target for additional scores.

There will be a second prize for the highest total score over the course of the day.

The shoots:

  • Feed the rabble: 20ish yards
  • Repel the King: 30ish yards
  • Storm the Castle: 40ish
  • Stop the Knights: 50ish yards

Baronial Archery Championship


Welsh archers training (1325, Luttrell Psalter)


Martial in Charge: Sato Jiro of the House of Kuji

9:00 am
Equestrian General riding and game Authorizations

Please have read the Calontir equestrian handbook before your authorization

Games Course

Expect some Saito wild and crazy course of equestrian games!

Equestrian games authorization required.


Come hang out with equestrian and equines and eat. Likely everyone will throw together what we all have to share for lunch.

Mounted Archery Woods & Field Course

Ride though woods course followed by a long field archery course you can trot or canter your horses in and still have time to shoot. Mounted Archery Authorization required. Will be doing archery authorizations if time allows before. Contact Saito if you need an archery authorization for archery so he can plan.

Jareeds & Wack Bonk Combined Class

Combining thrown padded nerf spears and padded swords! This will be a fun equine desensitization class in prep for mounted combat and jareeds combined. No armor for people required. Eye protection for riders suggested. Eye protection for horses required. Some loaner eye protection, jareeds, and boffers will be available for horses and riders but please bring your own if you have them.

7:00pm (or after Court)
Night Time Dayku

Japanese cross between polo and Jai Alai. This will be played in the dark with light up balls. Bring your light up, or EL wire barding or glowsticks for yourself, your equine and to attach to loaner rackets. Equestrian games authorization required.


Medieval Games

Come play a collection of older board games.

Youth Storm the Castle

A flag-football version of the Destroying the Records rattan battle (above).

Sing a Song/Tell a Story

Sing medieval rounds and create a live medieval story.


Join in a pre-planned medieval tabletop RPG.


If you would like to be a merchant at this event, please contact the event stewards.


Ayisha Bint Asad – Order of Defense

Put on vigil: 10:00am Saturday
Elevation: Evening Court

Grete Leysen – Laurel

Put on vigil: 9:30am Saturday
Elevation: Evening Court

Melchor Eichmann – Chivalry

Put on vigil: 9:00am Saturday
Elevation: Evening Court

Visvamitra Vimala Yavana – Chivalry

Elevation: Evening Court
Put on vigil: Immediately following Evening Court


Are there showers on site?

Unfortunately, no showers are available.

May we bring pets?

Pets are welcome but must be on a leash at all times.

May I camp in a Caravan/Vardo/Camper in the camping area?


May we dig an in ground fire pit?

The site owners have asked that we limit the number of in ground fire pits. Thus, we request that, if you are wanting to dig one, you reach out to the event stewards to coordinate. Additionally, the site has a few above-ground fire pits we are welcome to use.

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