Officer’s meeting will be this coming Sunday, October 8, 2023 at 7:00pm via Zoom. A link will be given on the Facebook page.
Primary topics of discussion will be Winter Court and Chieftains bids.
Site Dinner will be next week, October 11, 2023. The theme will be soup.
Big thank-yous to everyone that helped with Gryphon’s Fest this past weekend.
Coronation will be this weekend (October 7, 2023)
There will be a crest tournament. Mace is the preferred weapon but any single handed weapon is allowed. You may fill your crest with goodies.
There will be a heavy rapier tournament as well.
Helenos announced they are taking over as Baronial Scribe from Sancha. They are asking anyone who is interested in doing scribal work to let them know so they can get a list of people to reach out to. This includes anyone interested at any level.
The webminister position is seeking candidates. If you are interested, please speak to our Seneschal or Baronage. If you have any questions about the role, feel free to reach out to the current webminister, Jon Chesey.
There are two remaining archery practices this year. They will be at 5:00pm at Dammo’s house. Contact him for the address.
At the final one one October 13, 2023, there will be a potluck. Dammo will be grilling sausages. Everyone else is encouraged to bring sides.
There will also be a thrown weapons practice this Sunday, October 9, 2023 at Dammo’s house at 2:00pm.
If you have receipts for items purchased for Gryphon’s Fest, please get them to Bero for reimbursement.