Winter Court is coming. The theme will be Carnival. We are looking for musicians to play music, someone to teach dances, and encourage people to wear masks. The event stewards are Corbin and Galen. As usual, we will be having the auction. Items are needed.
Several officer positions are opening up. This includes Webminister, Chatelaine, Gold Key, and Chronicler. There is not currently a deadline for submissions.
The next officer’s meeting will be Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 7:30pm.
A big thank you to all officers who submitted reports. All reports were turned in within 1 day of the deadline!
Chieftains is coming. The theme will be “40 Years of Hospitality”. There will be an all day inn and multiple A&S events. We are looking to find new members willing to help and who would like to be paired up with someone experienced.
A&S events will include the Baronial A&S Championship. The theme will be “River in any medium.”