This page is a collection of letters from the Baronage to the populace that were originally published in the Barge. These were provided as digital files by Fernando who agreed to allow us to repost them here as part of our history even though we have been unable to locate these editions of the Barge. They provide an interesting insight into the goings on of the barony in times past.

March 1999

Unto the people of Three Rivers, Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent these warm greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of these fair lands by the grace of Their Majesties Luther and Lenore.

We would like to thank all those who made our Gathering of the Chieftains a successful event. Special thanks to Lord Dafydd, Chief Steward, and Lady Caillin, Head Cook. We received many compliments on the day’s activities and the evening’s sumptuous feast! And don’t forget, write those award recommendations NOW, so that We can properly recognize those whose service helped make such a memorable event possible!

At this time We would also like to welcome our newest officers: The Lady Shariya bint Bad’r has agreed to serve as Our new Seneschal, Lady Caillin as Chirurgeon, and Lord Franz as Archer Marshall. Please offer these gentles your assistance whenever possible, so as to make their burden the lighter. We look forward to working with them.

Although we have just returned from Estrella’s dusty fields, the Falcon again flies to war this time to Meridies to take part in Gulf Wars. Each of the large Wars has its own flavor, and Gulf Wars is special for its friendly atmosphere. Also, if you have never seen it, the fort is truly awesome! It is a great deal of fun to watch Calontir’s Airborne division sail over the walls…

Looking a little farther into the future, We are hosting the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses, Eringlin and Alethea on April 3rd. As you know, this will be a FREE event! We are accepting reservations BY MAIL ONLY, so that all have a more equal chance to taste Lady Fiondel’s exquisite above the salt feast. We know that each of you will join Us is working to make this event the glorious occasion Their Highnesses desire! Please write your award recommendations for Their Highnesses as soon as possible; They need to be able to give Their scribes, headed by The Lady Margarette de St. Martin sur Mer, as much notice as possible. And We are sure that Her Ladyship Margarette would welcome any offers of scribal aid, whether you are experienced or just interested in learning more about calligraphy and illumination.

We hope that the weather holds fair for your spring plantings, and wish everyone good health in this season of rebirth.

Yours in service to the Falcon Crown,
Fernando and Lyriel

August 1999

Unto all the people of Three Rivers do Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers send these words of war on this 27th day of July, A.S. XXXIV.

The Eastern Tiger stirs once in its den and musters its forces for battle. As they begin their westward march, the Midrealm finds it must prepare an army. Our allies of
old have sounded the horns of war and their clear calls echo across the land. In the Shire of Standing Stones Our King and Queen have heard their call.

People of Three Rivers, Our Crown now summons you!

At Their command, the Falcon shall stand once more beside the Dragon on the fields of the Debatable Lands. Heralds now voice the words of war; archers gather your shafts; provisioners prepare your supplies and transport; warriors see to your harness; and all those who stand in support make ready.

On the eve of war, Thursday the 12th day of July, Three Rivers shall hold a Court of War to ensure the lands of Three Rivers will be well cared for in Our absence. We
charge all those who have not yet begun the journey to attend.

Then, people of Three Rivers, raise your voice in song, that the foe may hear and tremble

For the Falcon goes to War!
Fernando and Lyriel

June 1999

Unto the people of Three Rivers, Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol do Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers send greetings on this 24th day of May, A.S. XXXIV.

Across the realm the signs of war are everywhere: warriors sharpening their blades; provisions being laid in; archers preparing their shafts; and Counties and Duchies being fortified. Even as you read this missive, Royal Peers are mustering their forces for the Noble War–The thirteenth War of the Lilies is almost upon us. Where will you stand when the winds of war blow across Calontir? Will you march to war beneath the banner of the experienced Dukes, or will the youth and vigor of the Counts draw your support?

The War of the Lilies is Calontir’s largest event. Most of the Kingdom will be there, along with a good number of our friends from other realms. We hope that you will join Us there for a week (or even just a day) of tournaments, classes, competitions, battles, balls, courts, and revels.

It’s not just an event… It’s not just a war… It’s our war!

Once we return from this grand event the Baronial Birthday Bash will be held on the 10th of July. Lady Fiondel has agreed to Steward this event. Be sure to check next months Barge for complete details.

Yours in ever in service to the Falcon Crown,
Fernando and Lyriel

May 1999

On this 28th day of April, A.S. XXXIII, do Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers, Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol send these warm greetings to the nobles and commons of these fair lands.

As spring advances we must begin to look forward into the coming months. A new camping season is almost upon us, and it behooves us all to take a little time to check over pavilions and camp gear while there is time to make needed repairs. Of course this is also the beginning of the more active fighting and archery season,
so fighters and archers should also be looking over their gear to ensure everything is in good order.

Speaking of archery, the rules have changed. In order to encourage more participation on the archery line, the Kingdom Archery Marshal, as a one year experiment, has done away with archery authorizations. Of course you still need to be generally safe, and familiar with the rules of the line, but that’s it. One of the goals is to have
as many people as possible take the line at least once during the coming year. We hope to see you all on the range in the coming months. Whether you are a new or experienced archer, a little practice never hurt. Archery practices will be held on many Sunday afternoons at Cathus and Rowen’s home. Contact them to make sure they are shooting any given week.

Crown Tournament will be held in the Shire of Standing Stones on Memorial Day weekend. In addition to Crown itself, Standing Stones has planned plenty of activitie to give everyone something to do. And lets not forget that H.L. Morgan the Tanner will be elevated into companionship within the Order of the Laurel. With this event just two hours away there will even be plenty of time to get your camp up while there is still daylight. Of course, this three day weekend will also be a great time to try out those new or repaired pavilions. We’ll be there. Will you?

Not far up the road is the War of the Lilies — The Noble War, from June 12th through the 20th. Most of Calontir will be there and it would be a shame if you missed this titanic struggle between the Counts and Dukes. This year’s War of the Lilies will be even more fun packed than in the past, with: over two dozen battles; scores of classes; multiple parties; merchants galore; numerous archery shoots; bardic circles each night; tons of tournaments; and much, much more. All for one low site fee. Remember, it’s not just an event….it’s a WAR!

Lord Cathus has volunteered to be Our party steward for Three Rivers’ traditional Friday night party, and Lord Duncan has agreed once more to coordinate the
abundance of liquid refreshments. Please offer them both whatever help you can, both in advance, and at the war itself.

Finally, though Pennsic is still several months away, the pre-registration deadline is fast approaching. Why should you pre-register? Two reasons. First, it saves you money — money you can then use to shop at the war. Second, and more important to your friends, land allocation is based solelyon the number of people who pre-register. If you don’t pre-register by the June 1st deadline, we will still probably find room for you , but it comes out of your friends already limited space. Be courteous. Be prepared. You can find the pre-registration form in the Mews, or talk to Our Seneschal.

Looking forward to seeing you all at many events this summer, we remain,

Yours in service to the Falcon Crown,
Fernando and Lyriel

April 1999

Unto the Nobles, Peers and Commons of all these lands, do Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers send greetings on this fine April day.

We would like to begin this letter by thanking all those who worked so hard to make the Coronation of Their Royal Majesties a splendid occasion. Without your service, this event could not have happened. We cannot tell you how many people told Us what a grand time they had.  Countless others expressed their gratitude for Three River’s generosity in hosting a such an event for free.

For those of you who might have missed it while laboring on Coronation day, TRM’s invited H.L. Morgan the Tanner into companionship within the Order of the Laurel. He shall be elevated to the Peerage at Crown Tour­nament in Standing Stones. We hope you will join us in congratulating him.

Now, with Coronation behind us we must move on.  Each visitor to Our lands brings new rumors. Throughout Their Majesties’ realm, the travelers tell of Royal Peers preparing once more for war. But this war will not be against the Tiger or the Sun – but Falcon vs Falcon, as County battles Duchy in a new struggle for power. When their forces meet in June upon the Lilies fields, where will you stand? With the age and experience of the Dukes, or the youth and numbers of the Counts?

Yet, even as the armies meet, Three Rivers will show once more the hospi­tality for which Our land is known. On Friday evening, a truce shall be declared, and people of both forces invited to eat, drink, and revel around Our fires.  But such a party requires your aid.  Lord Cathus the Curious has agreed to coordinate this revel, but he will need assistance in many forms. Please give him what support you can. 

As the summer continues, we look next to Our Baronial Birthday Bash.  This local event is typically held in July, and we will be needing bids from potential Stewards as soon as possible.

Finally, thanks to an upcoming change to Kingdom Law, Three Rivers will now be responsible for a bid for the December Crown Tournament.  Now is the time to be looking for sites.  we do not wish to find ourselves with the difficulties of this Coronation’s site search.  We would also like to hear soon from potential Stewards. 

Yours in service,
Fernando and Lyriel

December 1998

As the chill winds change Autumn to Winter, We Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers do send warm greetings unto all Our people.

With the passing of the year and our harvests well in, We would wish you all the merriest of holiday seasons.  To this end We would invite one and all to our tradi­tional Winter Court on the 19th of December. (See the flier on page 7)  Upon this day, our halls shall be opened so that friends may gather in good cheer for a day of theater, games, combat, and competitions.  Richard and Ilene deBleys will be Our Stewards for this event and they still need a few volunteers to help out.

As part of the days combat We will determine Our next Baronial Fighting Champion — though those who would not wish this position are still welcome to take part in the fighting. 

Also, We shall be selecting Our next Baronial Arts and Sciences Champion. We would remind all who are interested in this competition that their entries must display at least three separate arts or sciences, though these may be combined in less than three items.

And as the day progresses to evening, Lady Gillian Warrender is planning a deli­cious Winter feast.  During this repast we will once more hold the fighter’s auction, and the list of donations is already impressive.  (Of course additional donations are still being sought.)

Though the Gathering of the Chieftains is still almost 3 months away, the plan­ning and advanced preparation have already begun.  Our Chief Steward for the event will be Lord Dafydd ap Owain ap Cadell ap rhys ap Cadfan Caer yn Arfon, and Our Head Cook will be Lady Caillin O’Hicidhe.  We are sure they will both be looking for assistance in the upcoming months.

Next on Three River’s event horizon is the Coronation of TRHs Eringlen and Alathea.  Though by the rotation it was Our turn to ensure a bid for the upcoming Spring Crown Tournament, Their Royal Highnesses have asked us instead to prepare a bid for their Coronation on the third day of April.  To that end we will be needing a site, and bids from interested Stewards, by mid January.

Yet even as we prepare for these assorted days of merriment, the horns of war sound from the West. Caid and the Outlands join once more to resist the Aten foe, and in friendship they have called to Calontir.  Now comes the summons from the Calon Crown: Make ready warriors of Three Rivers. For the second week of February the forces of Calontir shall travel once more to the burning sands of Estrella. There the Falcon shall stand once more beside the Dolphin and the Stag.

Yours in service,
Fernando and Lyriel

January 1999

Unto the people of Three Rivers, Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent these warm greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of the fairest lands in all of Calontir.

As the winter chill settles into our bones, we are called to prepare to travel to the distant sands of Estrella’s fields. Atenveldt once more threatens our friends of old, Caid and the Outlands. The Calon Crown has summoned one and all to come to the aid of our allies. Come and be counted among the Falcon’s hosts as we once more stand with the Dolphin and Stag. Experience a different war than Pennsic, Gulf Wars, or Lilies. See palm trees in February! Sample the wares of merchants who do not travel to our realm! Remember, it’s not just an event –it’s a WAR!

Closer to home (well, AT home, in fact!) we prepare for the annual Gathering of the Chieftains. Lord Dafydd ap Owain ap Cadell ap Rhys ap Cadfan Caer yn Arfon is our Chief Steward, and he has many delightful activities planned in addition to the traditional tournament. He has also procured a different site for this event, so that we may more graciously host our friends! Lady Cailin O’Hicdhe, our Head Cook, has some positively mouth watering dishes in store for us that evening. Please, good gentles, help these stalwart stewards by offering your time and assistance. With a little help from everyone, we can have a good time ourselves while ensuring those who travel here do so as well. Remember, it’s not just an event — it’s OUR event!

Their Royal Highness’ Eringlin and Alathea have asked us to prepare a bid for Their Coronation event, scheduled for the first weekend in April (yes, Easter weekend). To that end, we are seeking stewards and a site that would be suitable for such an occasion as soon as possible. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please talk to one of us or our seneschal.

Hoping your holiday seasons were filled with much joy and merriment, and that the coming year holds nothing but good things for all of you,

Yours in service,
Fernando and Lyriel

September 1998

Unto the populace of Three Rivers are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of these lands, on this 24th day of August, A.S. XXXIII.

First of all We would like to commend all those members of Our Barony who were able to attend the Twenty Seventh Pennsic War. In many ways this was one of the best Pennsics ever. Calontir stood proud on the battle and archery fields. The weather was nice, our opponents were friendly, and the shopping, classes and parties were plentiful.

Foreign wars are a great way to experience the wide world of the SCA, beyond Our Barony and Calontir. If you could not attend this wonderful war, now may be the time to start planning for next year’s Pennsic… or Estrella… or Gulf Wars. They’re not just events – They’re WARS!

In the upcoming months we have several baronial activities in the works. First is the Oak Knoll Renaissance Fair. Be listening to Lady Slaine’s announcements for details on this.

Then on October 31st we are sponsoring Iron Rain. This archery event will run all day, but will end by the end of the afternoon. This will allow parents to take their children trick or treating, and others to have time to eat dinner before heading to Master Aelreds Post Revel/Halloween Party. We hope everyone in the Barony will come out and shoot or help run the activities. Please contact Lady Sabine or Rebecca, the Chief Stewards to see where you can help.

Of course an event like this also requires a fair amount of prep work to build and paint the assorted targets. Lord Ettiene, Our Archery Marshal will be organizing this, and he can certainly use your help as well.

Now is also the time to be planning Our annual Winter Court. This event is a great opportunity for fledgling Stewards to try their hand. If you are interested in being the Chief or Kitchen Steward, please contact Us, or Our Seneschal, Dafydd for more details.

Yours in Service,
Fernando and Lyriel

July 1998

Unto the people of Three Rivers, Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent these greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, by the grace of Their Majesties Baron and Baronne of these wondrous lands.

Let us take this time to again express our gratitude to all whose hard labors made everyone’s Water Lilies war more enjoyable.  Special thanks to those who gave of their time, food, tents, hotel rooms, etc., to help those in need after the storms of the week.  You are truly the greatest treasure in the Kingdom!  We also wish to thank everyone who made our Baronial Birthday Bash and Splash possible.  Special thanks to Lady Callista (who tackled the tasks of buying meat, delegating condiments, etc., even though she did not want to do so), and of course The Honorable Lady Olga and her parents for providing the site, the barbecue grills, and the POOL.   And a big round of applause for Etienne, who brought the hay for archery even though he could not stay himself, and then single-handedly carried the hay back up the hill past the locked gate to take it away the next evening!

We would like to encourage all who can do so to attend the annual ‘Censored’ Mammoth event hosted by the Canton of Riverhold on July 11th. As always, there will be a lot of fun fighting, archery, food, drink, and the added bonus of trying to outfox Juan again this year!  And a reminder: Although the flier says ‘Censored,’ the site is NOT a dry site!

Though Lilies is past us, we have several more wars on the horizon.  July 17th, Thunder Wars (alias Sunny Day in the Woods Wars) gives us the chance to gain more footage/yardage/leagues at the Midrealm’s expense.  We are hoping to expand our corridor to Ealdormere by a few more miles this year, so your help is needed!  And of course, after we settle our differences with the Dragon, the Falcon will join her on the fields of Pennsic to do battle with the Tiger of the East.  If you are a Pennsic veteran, you know that it is an experience like no other!  If you have never had the opportunity to attend this event, the effort is worth it.  Nowhere else can you see so many fighters on the field at one time, so many merchants with such diverse wares gathered together, so many friends from near or far, so many pavilions lit by firelight at days’ end–Remember, it’s not just an event, IT’S A WAR!

In hopes that this season of war still finds peace in your hearts, we remain

Yours in service,
Fernando and Lyriel

June 1998

Unto the populace of Three Rivers are sent greetings from Fernan­do and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers by the grace of Their Majesties of Calontir.

As We write this letter, The Second Tournament at the Rivers, is but 10 days away, and it is likely many of you will not read this letter until after the event.  Yet, for those who read it before the grand passage of arms, We urge you not to miss this celebra­tion of the chivalric ideals.  Fliers are available in the last several issues of the Barge, and should also be available from the Chief Steward (Sheleigh) or Our Seneschal (Dafydd).  We are also sure that Lady Sheleigh, and her crew chiefs still need volunteers in many areas.  Please make an effort to contact her and volunteer.

The War of the Lilies is also fast approaching (June 13th through 20th).  We strongly encourage everyone to try to make it to this magnificent event.  Even if you can only make it for a portion of the War, it is still well worth the trip.  Many people come to Lilies the first weekend, then leaving their camps set up (and secured against weather), go back home, to return when their schedule (or vacation time) permits.  It is wonderful to return to a fully set up camp.

This Lilies is full of activities for the fighter and non-combatant alike.  Every day there are: tournaments and battles; archery war points and novelty shoots; too many RUSH (Royal Uni­versity of Scir Hafoc) classes to count; numerous parties and bardic circles; merchants; and of course swimming in the lake.  This year, Crown Tournament will also be held on the first Satur­day afternoon. 

Three Rivers is of course responsible for some of these activi­ties.  On Thursday morning at the War we will host a four man team, head to head, archery tournament.  As Ettiene, Our Archery Marshal, can not be there, we will be needing a Marshal.  We will also be needing a crew of other volunteers: water bearers; heralds; spotters; and list table workers.  Also, as has become tradition, we will again host the Friday night party.  Lady Carolyn, the Party Steward, will be needing your assistance – some in advance, and more the day of the party: food prep; set up; and servers; and clean up. 

Finally, Three Rivers has agreed to staff the Troll from Midnight Friday to Noon Saturday on the first weekend of the war.  Dafydd is coordinating volunteers.

With all these opportunities to help out, We are certain that many people will be deserving of Baronial Awards.  Unfortunately, We can not be everywhere, or see, or remember everything.  We beseech you all to spend a few minutes filling out an award recommendation for those gentles whose efforts you notice. 

Yours in service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

May 1998

Unto the populace of these fairest lands are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers by the grace of Their Majesties.

The second Tournament at the Rivers, is fast approaching.  It will be held once more on the last weekend of May (the weekend after Memorial Day), at Camp Warren Levis.  We urge you all not to miss this glorious day and it’s celebration of the chivalric ideals.  A flier should be located elsewhere in this issue of the Barge.

In order for this event to stand out once more, many hands will be needed.  The Chief Steward, Lady Sheleigh, and her crew chiefs will be needing volunteers in almost every area, from the elabo­rate set-up, through heralds, gate wardens, lighting, marshaling, and much more.  Please make an effort to find the Steward and volunteer.

The Lilies War, will also soon be upon us.  It will be held once more at Smithville Lake, North of Kansas City, June 13th through 20th.  The War of the Lilies is the most popular event in Calon­tir and it is a great chance to meet people and to participate in almost every aspect of the Society. 

Once again this year Three Rivers will be hosting the Friday night party.  Lady Carolyn will be the Party Steward, and as you can imagine she to will be needing a lot of assistance.  Also as we did last year we will host a head to head team archery tourna­ment.  Ettiene will be needing volunteers for this as well.

Finally as spring advances, it is time to begin planning for the yearly Baronial Birthday Bash, typically held in July.  If you are interested in coordinating this, please contact Us, or Our Seneschal as soon as possible.

May your friends be as numerous as the Spring flowers,

Yours in service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

January 1998

Unto the populace of these most glorious lands are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers by the grace of Their Majesties.

From the lands of the standing stones the war horns are sounding.  Each blast stirring the warrior heart with the ancient Calontir call to war.  Arise Calontir!  Their Majesties are calling you!  From the Western hills the war drums of the Outlands call to their friends and allies – for once more the Aten host is arming for war upon Estrella’s burning sands.  Let every man and woman who can make the long journey prepare.  Ready your weapons, your provisions, and your harness.  Steady your heart to face the forces of Atenveldt with weapons of war in hand or to support those who do.

For those remaining to ensure the safety and comfort of Our lands, we would charge you to do what you may to assist in the preparations for events soon after our return.  For though the Winter continues to hold Our lands in its wan grasp, here in Three Rivers we refuse to be disheartened.  On the 28th day of February we will be hosting our friends from across the Kingdom for the Gathering of the Chieftains.  There we will celebrate the joys of life – in tourney and competitions, feast and revel.  H.L. Carolyn our Chief Steward and Master Aelread our Feast Steward will certainly appreciate your offers of assistance to help make this a pleasurable, stress-free event.

Remember the Second Tournament at the Rivers, a Grand Passage of Arms will be held the last weekend of May, and the Lilies War, with its tourneys and parties, is also looming on the horizon in June.  If you would like to help with any of these, please talk to one of us, or with Our Seneschal, Dafydd, and we will be glad to point you in the right direction.

We would like to end with a congratulations to H.L. David Cooper of Tynedale who emerged victorious from Our Archer Championship.  He will be stepping up at the Baronial Court before Chieftains.

May your friends warm your hearts as your hearths warm your homes.

Yours in service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

November 1997

Unto the Populace of the Barony of Three Rivers, the Canton of Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent these warm greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, by the grace of Their Majesties Baron and Baronne of these, the fairest lands in Calontir.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank those who worked so hard to make our recent Pathfinder and Celtic Days demos such a success.  We raised a substan­tial sum of money at Celtic Days between the donation for our appearance and the Fighter Auction and Spear Run activities.We are seeking bids for Our Winter Court event, with the date of first choice being December 13th.  This event is meant to be a small and more intimate gathering than the events we host for the Kingdom as a whole, and is an excellent way for someone with less experience to test their wings.  We hope to have activities that include Our Fighting Champion­ship and Our annual Arts and Sciences Championship.  The format of the Arts and Sciences Championship is similar to the tri-level competitions held at the Kingdom level for the Queen’s Prize Tourney, and all are encouraged to enter and bring tokens of their esteem for the other entrants.  It will be increasingly difficult to find a site the closer the date gets, so if you know of a possible place, even if you do not wish to steward the event, please let one of the Officers know about it so we can check it out.

We are also in need of a chief steward and head cook for the annual Gathering of the Chieftains event to be held the fourth weekend in February. This is one of the
best attended events in all of Calontir, with its Celtic-flavored tourney themes and various activities. The traditional site, Immaculate Conception, is already re­served for the proper date, although we would like prospective stewards to consid­ered seeking out a different, larger site. For more information on the event, or what is expected in an event prospectus, please see one of Us or Our seneschal.

Finally, We are planning a Baronial Allthing for Thursday, December 11th. Each of the officers is expected to report on the current status of their office, and all officers and the Coronet will be available to answer questions from the populace. It has been a while since the Barony has held an Allthing, so here is your chance to ask those questions you’ve been curious about.

May your harvests be bountiful, and your homes filled with the sounds of laughter and good cheer in the upcoming months!

Yours in service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel


Unto the people of Three Rivers, Riverhold and Pont Dragwiddol do Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of all these lands by grace of Their Majesties, send greetings on this 25th day of September, A.S. XXXII (1997).

With the Coronation of Their Royal Majesties Dongal and Aislinn now behind us, We would like to thank all those individuals who labored to make it a success.  The Chief Steward, Mairghead de Chisolme (Maggie), did a great job organizing everything, and everyone appeared delighted by the wonderful feast Callaghadooney MacGillowie (Callie) oversaw.  Too many others to mention by name also worked hard in ensuring that our guests had enjoyable weekend.

Coming up on October 11th is the Celtic Days Music Festival and Renais­sance Faire.  Three Rivers’ involvement once again includes fighting, dancing, displays, and two different fundraisers.  The first is the spear run for children.  The second is a fighter auction in which the crowd will be invited to bid for the sponsorship of a fighter during a grand melee.  The sponsor of the winning fighter will take home a prize.  We need people for all sorts of activities, from those mentioned above to heralds and consta­bles, talking to the guests, or just working on arts or sciences projects.  We strongly encourage as many of you as possible to come and take part.

In the Winter months Three Rivers has generally held two events — Winter Court and the Gathering of the Chieftains.  We are now accepting propos­als from potential Chief Stewards for both these events.  Winter Court is traditionally a smaller local event advertised only to close neighboring groups.  It is a great opportunity for unexperienced Chief Stewards and Kitchen Stewards to learn what goes into an event without undergoing trial by fire in a huge Kingdom event.  Our proposed date for this year’s Winter Court is December 13th with fallback dates of 1/10 or 11/29 as alternates in case of site availability problems.  Chieftains is scheduled for February 28th and is a larger Kingdom event.  If you are interested in putting in a proposal for one of these events please talk to Us or to Our Seneschal Daffydd as soon as possible.

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

August 1997

Unto the people of Three Rivers, Riverhold and Pont Dragwiddol do Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of all these lands by grace of Their Majesties, send greetings on this last day of July, A.S. XXXII (1997).

On the 13th of September Three Rivers shall host the Coronation of Their Royal Highnesses Dongal and Aislinn. This shall be a camping event in Sioux Passage Park in North County. The Chief Steward, Mairghead de Chisolme (Maggie) and the Kitchen Steward, Callaghadooney MacGillowie (Callie) are certain to need assistance in many different areas. We ask that you listen with care to their announcements at Baronial meetings, and volunteer what help you may.

The last month has been a busy one for much of the Barony.  Between the Baronial Birthday Bash and Drunken Mammoth (and its “Inquisition”) man of Our populace have been hard at work here at home.  We heartily enjoyed both of these events and thank all those gentles who worked so hard. [Even those who conspired to claim my Coronet – Fernando]  If you missed either one you gave up a large chunk of fun.

We would also like to commend all those who traveled to the Perpetually Incipient Principality of Crystal River (and Beyond!) for Their Majesties’ summer affair.  Three Rivers’ showing – both in warriors and support troops was an example for all of Calontir and the Midrealm.  Though the temperature was hotter than we hoped during the day, by the evenings festivities it was much more pleasant.  In case you have not yet heard – yes, we trounced them, but they were a noble foe and a remain fine friends.

But now the ties of that very friendship are calling.  From the lands of the East come tidings of war.  The Eastern Tiger stalks once more towards the ancient Debatable Lands.  But the Dragon of the Midrealm, roused from sleep by our friendly contests in Crystal River will not be caught unpre­pared.  As HRM Edmund turns his forces to His Eastern Border, Their Majesties Cuthbert and Branwen have called for Their forces.  The Falcon once more takes to warlike flight!  People of Three Rivers’ make ready!

At the Crown’s command We march to Pennsic.  Let each archers string their bows and check each clothyard shaft.  Let each soldier don their harness of war and hone each blade.  Cooks, chiurgeons, water bearers, heralds and entertainers you too are called to war – for no army can last long without you supporting our lines.  People of Three Rivers – We march to war!

With sword drawn and bow braced at Crown’s command,
Fernando and Lyriel

July 1997

On this 26th day of June, A.S. XXXII, do We, Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers by grace of Their Majesties, send greetings unto the populace of these lands.

Before We go on let Us first congratulate Three Rivers newest Peer – Sir Hirsh Ross Eichmann whose chivalry, skill and honor earned him the Accolade which he received upon the field at the Lilies War.

The War of the Lilies was a great success and We would like to begin with a few woeful­ly inadequate words of thanks to everyone who assisted bring Our tournaments and parties to fruition.

Thursday’s archery tournament was a great success with 32 archers competing in 8 teams.  Final victory in the head to head silhouette shoot went to the Woodchucks of Couer d’Ennui.  Our fighting tournament in the heat of the day, though much smaller was quite well received.  Nine combatants fought at the barrier in a counted blow round robin tour­nament filled with displays of skill and chivalry.  The victor was Earl Gilligan of Eire who defeated seven of his eight opponents.  Special thanks to Our Marshals Ld. Heinrich and Sir Hyrim, H.L. Elasait and Ly. Ekaterina who ran the lists, Ld. Mikjal who heralded most of the tournaments, and all those who helped with the setup and takedown, and as marshals and spotters.

Friday evening’s party was also a extraordinary display of Three Rivers’ hospitality. Much of this was the direct work of H.L. Olga.  She organized the party, planned the menu, did most of the shopping and much of the pre-cooking.  Much of her time the week before the War and even once she arrived was sacrificed to prepare for the party.  We owe her a world of thanks for organizing the tremendous food which was called by several people by far the best available at the war.  Many other people deserve thanks for assist­ance in the cooking, from the Meatball Wranglers and the Egg Meister, to the Cheese Whackers and Cookie Construction Crew, to Sausage Roll Slavers and Beef on a Stick Jocks.  Additional thanks are also due to Ld. Josef and Ly. Slaine who organized a wonder­ful assortment of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (and of course the brewers).  No other party at the war could boast of such quality, quantity, or selection.  Finally one last set of thanks to Ld. Mikjal for organizing the physical set-up and Ly. Gabrielle for organiz­ing the servers.  All those people who assisted in this undertaking (many of whom We have not even mentioned) helped once again show the Kingdom and its guests how Three Rivers is the bright gleam in the Falcon’s eye.

On the 5th of July, We will hold Birthday Bash and Splash on the common ground of the Westchester Estates (same site as last year).  The Baronial fighting and archery champion­ships will be held there and the format will allow everyone to participate whether or not you wish to be a Baronial Champion.  Since last year was so successful, we will again have a Baronial pot-luck BBQ – the Barony will provide drinks (tea and lemonade), hot dogs and hamburgers – you bring a side dish.  Finally we’ll round the day out with the Birthday Splash as H.L. Olga’s parents have once more consented to allow us to use their pool.  (See the flier on page 6.)

Then on the 12th of July, Our Canton of Riverhold is again in search of the Drunken Mammoth.  This year the mammoth has stumbled into the Spanish Inquisition called by Pope Innocence Lost (Sir Hirsh) and run by his Inquisitor Don Juan Macias de Alarcon. They plan many activities which sound like great fun as the Marsupial Court gets into action.  We hope you’ll join us in this event which has proven quite enjoyable each year.  (See the flier on page 8.)

Then just a week later what Summer could be complete without a picnic in Calontir’s Perpetually Incipient Principality of Crystal River.  Their Majesties have called us to muster there for a pleasant outing – but equipped as well for war should HRM Edmund try to reclaim the land that he mistakenly thinks belongs to the Midrealm.  Should this happen we might just have too assist TRMs in claiming a buffer zone (say the lands called Little India) to protect our interests.  So remember this toast people of Three Rivers: To Crystal River! — And beyond! (See the flier on page 7.)

Yours in Service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

June 1997

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers, the Canton of Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent these greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of all these lands by grace of Their Majesties on this 26th day of May, A.S. XXXII.

With the start of June it is time to begin making ready for the Summer event season. Now is the time to check out camping gear that has gone too long without use. It is better to be surprised by a hole in your pavilion while you are still at home than once you arrive at an event. Fighters, some time spent on basic armor maintenance now could save you from desperately trying to perform repairs during a battle or tournament – and the risk of nit fighting.

The War of the Lilies is just around the corner. Remember – “It’s not just an event – It’s a War!” While we can all expect a great time, we can also help put Three Rivers’ stamp on the war. On Friday evening, immediately following Grand Court, while fireworks light the sky, we (Three Rivers) will host a party for all of our friends. The food preparation is being coordinated by H.L. Olga, and she will certainly need lots of help. There are advance preparations to make for the food, and there will of course be plenty of work on that day as well. Lord Josef and Lady Slaine have graciously agreed to handle the beverages – both alcoholic and no-alcoholic. If you can help out, please see them.

While the party will certainly be a lot of fun, that will not be Three Rivers’ only contribution to the war. On Thursday morning we will be sponsoring a warlord tournament for those who wish more fighting than the many battles will provide. And then on Friday morning, we are sponsoring a four man archery team tournament. We will need a number of people to help with the set up and take down as well as the running of both these activities. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Just one week after Lilies comes Crown Tournament in the Barony of Vatavia. We encourage as many of you as possible to attend and see Calontir history in the making. Whether you are new to the Society or an old timer, Crown Tourney is a great place to catch up with old friends or make new ones.

Then, as July rolls around the calender is quite busy.  Birthday Bash is planned for the 5th of July.  It will again be held on the common ground of the Westchester Estates.  Both the Baronial fighting and archery championships will be held there once more.  After the fun we had last year, we will again round the day out with a pot luck meal and of course the Birthday-Splash in the pool which H.L. Olga’s parents have once more consented to allow us to use.

On the next weekend (7/12), Our Canton of Riverhold will be holding their yearly Drunken Mammoth event. This time the mammoth stumbles into the Spanish Inquisition. Come on out and enjoy this event which has proven its fun year after year.

And then what Summer could be complete without a little visit to Calontir’s Perpetually Incipient Principality of Crystal River. HRM Edmund it appears is planning to try to reclaim the land that he mistakenly thinks belongs to the Midrealm. Stand together now people of Three Rivers as We join HRM Cuthbert and push Edmund back – All the way back across the lands called Little India to prepare a bit of a border cushion.

For those who have been asking, Our travel plans:

  • May 31st
    Tournament at the Rivers
    Barony of Three Rivers
  • June 14 through 22
    The War of the Lilies
    Barony of Forgotten Sea
  • June 28
    Crown Tournament
    Barony of Vatavia
  • July 5th
    Birthday Bash
    Barony of Three Rivers
  • July 12th
    Drunken Mammoth
    Canton of Riverhold
  • July 19th
    Thunder in the Lost Woods II
    Shire of Loch Morrow, Midrealm

Yours in Service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

May 1997

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers, the Canton of Riverhold, and Pont Drag­wyddol are sent these greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of all these lands by grace of Their Majesties.

Across the realms We have sent couriers with news of a tournament and faire to be held in Our proud Barony. Upon the 31st day of May, We will host the Tournament at the Rivers, a grand passage of arms, upon the fields at the site of Our last Winter Court. Noble and common, knight and man at arms, artisan and archer, minstrel and merchant – all have been invited to enjoy the hospitality of Three Rivers.

For some time now the preparations have been under way for this splendid undertaking – sewing, cooking, building, training, and more – but much work still remains. We ask that each member of Our populace see how they might best be of assistance – both before and during this event. Dame Joan, Our Chief Steward, will be glad to direct you to the person in charge of any activity. With your help we can make this a truly wondrous event, resplendent with the pageantry and panoply of the medieval tournament.

Baronial Court will be held on Thursday, May 29th before the Tournament at the Rivers. If you have award recommendations please get them to Us as soon as possible.

Several weeks after the pas d’arms, Three Rivers has another opportunity to entertain our friends. This time at the Lilies War. On Friday evening, immediately following Grand Court, beneath the brilliance of the yearly fireworks, we will host a party. H.L. Olga has graciously agreed to coordinate the food preparation for this undertaking. If you can assist in advance or on that day, please speak with her. Also Lord Josef has agreed to coordinate the beverages. If you are a brewer or vintner please contact him about assisting. Remember we need non-alcoholic beverages as well.

We are still looking for possible sites for the Fall Coronation – September 13th. If you have ideas about a possible site (able to hold 400 to 500 with room for fighting) please contact Us or Our Seneschal Lord Dafydd.

Finally, We have been asked to include Our travel plans in this letter. Here they are:

  • May 5th
    Calon Con
    Canton of Aston Tor
  • May 12th
    Romp in the Woods
    Barony of Shattered Crystal
  • May 19th
    Shire of Long Ridge
  • May 31st
    Tournament at the Rivers
    Barony of Three Rivers

Yours in Service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

February 1997

Unto the populace of these lands We hold for Their Majesties, is sent this call to muster from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers.

From the deserts of Atenveldt come the sounds of the horns of war.  Scouts have reported that the Aten hosts prepare for battle, their camps covering the sands as far as the eye can see.  Where does the Crown of the Lands of the Sun cast His eye?  Where would He lead this great army?  To the Western shores?  North to the mountains?  Or perhaps even to the Heart­land itself – to Calontir?

Shall we wait for the Lord of the Burning Sands to finalize His prepara­tions?  Shall we wait for Him to march His legions to battle?  Shall we wait while His forces destroy our friends?  Shall we wait until He turns His greedy head directly at us?  Nay!  Nay to each of these questions!

In the Western mountains the ceaseless rhythm of the Outlands’ drums has changed.  The pounding call to war has sounded as the Stag leaps to war once more!  The Crown of the Outlands has called for allies to join them in combat as they ride against the overwhelming hordes of the armies of Atenveldt.

How could such a call go unanswered by men of honor? It can not say Their Majesties Eringlen and Alethea! And so too say We! Their Majesties have sent word to the forces of Calontir to take up arms, as the Falcon once more takes to warlike flight. They summon the levies of warriors and all those who would support them in this war from every barony, canton and shire.

In the second full week of February we shall muster again on Estrella’s sun baked lands, arrayed there to engage the Atenveldt host.  Let every man or woman who can join Us there – for great are the deeds we will accomplish, and greater still are the memories, songs and stories those days will inspire.

For Crown and Kingdom, the Falcon flies to war!

Fernando and Lyriel

November 1996

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers, the Canton of Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent these letters from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baroness by grace of Their Majesties.

The Royal Majesties have found Their heirs: Baron Cathyn fitzGerald and our own Lady Branwen ferch Rhael will succeed Them on the Falcon thrones. Wassail! We are quite enthused at the prospect of having a Crown presence in Our fair lands again, and we are sure that Our citizens will do everything in their power to support Their Highnesses in all things. His Highness has taken Sir Rolf Eichman as Champion, and Sir Erich Hlodowechssun was chosen for Her Highness’ Champion. Mistress Ariel of Glastonbury Tor will be Their Chamberlain; Lady Heather MacKenzie, Baron Tiberius and Baronne Lyriel will act as Chatelaines (So I will be seeking and/or begging help out of people….-Lyriel).

Their Majesties have also announced the next Kingdom Seneschal and Earl Marshall; they will be The Lady Elasait and The Lord Donato, also from Our Barony! They will both take office at Kris Kinder this December 7th in the Barony of Forgotten Sea. Please join us in offering them congratulations/condolences (and help!).

Just a reminder about meeting: There will be no meeting Thursday, November 28th as this is Thanksgiving. We will continue to meet at the Kirkwood Community Center throughout November, but will be moving to the Sunnen Community Center (near Olive and Lindbergh) starting the first week of December. This will allow us to hold indoor fighting and dancing practices throughout the Winter. Maps will be made available to all, and We would appreciate you notifying anyone who may miss the announcements and the maps.

May your larders be well-stocked against the coming chill weather, and may the laughter of friends and family often ring in your halls!

Your in Service to Crown and Kingdom, we remain
Fernando and Lyriel

September 1996

Unto the nobles, gentles, and commons of these lands are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers by the grace of Their Majesties of Calontir.

As We return victorious from the Pennsic War – the summer campaigns over, the time comes to relax and tell the tales of war. Calontir’s victories this season were great and memorable, as we once more earned the Falcon’s place in chronicles and songs. We all met new friends from around the known world, and We encourage those could not be there to seek out those who were and listen to their stories. One account however We will not leave for chance to bring to your ears.

On Friday, the sixteenth day of August, upon fields at the Pennsic War, Their Majesties Chrystofer and Salamandra did bestow the Accolade of Knighthood upon Their general, Hyrim de Guillon. We hope you will all join Us in congratulating Sir Hyrim as he takes his place as Calontir’s newest Peer.

This months Thursday meeting and fighter practice schedule is a bit complicated. Due to the Greentree festival which will be taking place in Kirkwood park the weeks of the September 5th, 12th and 19th meetings, fighter practice on the 5th and 19th will again be held in Lady Olga’s yard. On the 12th of September unfortunately there is not only no place for us to fight in Kirkwood Park, but no meeting room available to us in the Community Center. Lady Gudrun has graciously offered the use of her spacious yard and home for this night. There will be no official business meeting, however we will be holding a picnic. Bring your own food, blankets, etc… Gudrun has offered the use of her gas grill to any who desire. There is also plenty of room for fighting so fighter practice will still take place. Maps will be available at meetings before then, and should also be found elsewhere in this Barge.

The Celtic Days Music Festival and Renaissance Fair which we have participated in during recent years will soon be upon us, on October 5th.  We encourage everyone to come participate.  We would like to have plenty of fighters and as many artisans as possible demonstrating their crafts.  We will also need people to explain the SCA to our visitors and to run two fund raisers during this event.  The first will be a variant of the Carousel Spear-Ring, with prizes for the best time in each hour, and the second will be two fighter auctions.

We are also still looking for bids for Our Winter Court and Chieftains.  Anyone interested in submitting a prospectus for either of these events should contact Us or one of Our officers.  We’d be happy to give you further details on what We need to see in those bids.

Yours in service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

August 1996

Unto the good gentles of Three Rivers, Riverhold, and Pont Dragwyddol are sent WARM greetings form Fernando and Lyriel, by the grace of Their Majesties Baron and Baronne of these fair lands.

As we take time out from loading Our wagon for the journey East to support the mighty Falcon army, We wish to thank all those who are also able to make this trek in support of Crown and Kingdom. There is no experience comparable to seeing (and/or hitting) hundreds of foemen on the field and then wandering the foggy evenings amid pavilions and campfires singing with them! It’s not just an event – It’s a War!

Congratulations to Riverhold for the very successful Drunken Mammoth event they hosted last month!  There was enough fighting for the heartiest of souls, enough archery for the most stalwart yeoman, and Our table groaned with so much food We could not finish it all!  Thanks also to everyone who helped make Our Birthday bash event so enjoyable; espe­cially to the Lady Olga (and her parents) for the common grounds, yard, house, and the oh-so-refreshing pool, and to Lady Callista for organizing and executing the food plans.  Our new champions, Lord Tassilo d’Auxer­re (fighting) and Lord Cristoval Anguiano (archery) comported themselves impressively on the field, and We look forward to their tenures.  We are sure they will be examples of chivalry and courtesy to all, bringing honor to themselves and Three Rivers.

As We look to the future, We see many activities ahead. First, Our Celtic Days demo and fund-raiser is scheduled for the first Saturday in October. We encourage all to participate, especially Our fighters and artisans. We are also looking for bids for Our Winter Court (customarily a weekend in December that does not conflict with Kris Kinder) and Chieftains (tentatively February 22nd). Winter Court is an excellent opportunity for those with little or no experience as Event or Feast Stewards, as it is a small local event. Chieftains, of course, is larger in scope and the ideal bid will include a site capable of holding 400 gentles, feasting 150-200 of them, with a good fighting area and several smaller rooms for privy chambers and the like. Anyone interested in submitting a prospectus for either of these events should contact Us or one of Our officers. We’d be happy to give you further details on what We need to see in those bids.

The Falcon flies, and the Hippogriff takes wing in support of her,
Fernando and Lyriel

June 1996

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of these fair lands, on this 24th day of June, A.S.XXXI (1996).

As the Crusade upon the Lilies’ field ends, and the Crown reigns over a land at peace with itself once more, the time comes for Us to thank all those who helped Our Barony shine as a jewel in the crown that is Calontir. Three Rivers’ hospitality was shown in splendor at Friday night’s party. We would like to thank all those who worked so hard at cooking, brewing, transporting, serving, setting up and taking down for this party, but special thanks are certainly due to H.L. Meriel of Tay, Ly. Caroline Buxton, Ld. Josef von Rothenburg and Ly. Slaine ni Chiarnain, who were its central organizers. Thanks are also due to all those gentles who helped organize, set up and run Three River’s fine tournament on Friday morning. Master Kirk Fitzdavid, H.L. Elasait ingen Diarmata, H.L. Hyrim de Guillon, and Ly. Branwen ferch Rhael were each central in its inception and/or organization. In addition to these central activities, We would like to thank all those who assisted us while preparing for and during the two grand courts, especially Ly. Ellien Chadaway who ensured that Our thrones and regalia were prepared for Thursday’s court. One final thanks (though we are certainly forgetting some) is due to Ld. Mikjal Annarbjorn for ensuring that many baronial items made their way to the war, from the pennon lines, poles and banners which reserved space for the Barony and were used for both the party and tournament, to the four Baronial tables which he delivered personally.

Now, during the summer months, with fields which may be left to grow untended, and the land secure from internal strife, the Falcon’s eye turns outward. Their Royal Majesties Christopher and Salamandra have proclaimed that Calontir will march East into the region of the Midrealm known as the Midlands, or Crystal River, to reclaim those lands which our Ours by ancient right. Their Majesties have commanded Their General, H.L. Hyrim de Guillon, to lead the Calon war host into the Midrealm on July 13th. His plans call for crossing away from the areas of the border defended by the fortresses of Dark River, Shattered Crystal, River Keep, and Far Reaches, and to push for the March of Lochmorrow (Augusta, Illinois) where we must first crush any resistance from our Eastern neighbors. It is said that HRM Edmund of the Midrealm has already been rallying the Midrealm army to his cause, and with Sir Bardolf, Midlands General, will lead a powerful force to bar the way to Calontir.

As We command the largest force upon Calontir’s Eastern border, and as We are well poised, within easy striking distance of Lochmorrow, less than three hours hard hide away, Their Majesties have commanded Us to muster every available man and woman to Their call.  Warriors, sharpen once more your sword and spear; Archers, prepare well your bows and fletch extra arrows; Cooks, Brewers and Water Bearers, prepare to support the Crown’s army – for the Falcon has called us to War!

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel  

March 1996

Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of Three Rivers by Royal decree, do send greetings unto the populace of these glorious lands on this 26th day of March, A.S. XXX (1995).

As the Winter slowly gives up its grip and Spring comes at last upon us we have a respite from the somewhat hectic pace of the last 6 months. With no large events scheduled in Three Rivers until mid-Summer there is more time for personal interests, be they the arts and sciences, archery or fighting.  We pray you to look in the back of this Barge to see the listing of the regular gatherings and practices currently scheduled within the Barony.  Perhaps there is something new there for you.  Should you have other art or science interests and seek assistance, advice or a fellow practitioner, Our Minister of Arts and Sciences, Lady Ellien Chadaway, may well be able to direct you.

Thanks to the efforts of Lord Hapgood the Lucky, Three Rivers now has a home page on the World Wide Web. We gratefully accepted his gracious offer to create and maintain this site for the Barony after discussion with Our officers. This page, which includes contact information and a schedule of activities for the Barony as well as links to both Calontir and the SCA Inc., can be found at:

At Their Royal Majesties request, Three Rivers, along with The Barony of Forgotten Sea, will be sponsoring the Friday night party at the War of the Lilies in June.  After discussion with Baron Tiberius and Baroness Nicolette, of Forgotten Sea, we feel that together Calontir’s two oldest Baronies can make this an extraordinary success.  Lord Josef von Rothenburg has agreed to coordinate the efforts of those brewers who would be willing to produce both alcoholic or non-alcoholic bever­ages, and Her Ladyship Meriel of Tay and Lady Carolyn Buxton have agreed to coordinate those cooks who would be willing to produce food items for the party.  I’m sure you will be hearing more from these good gentles in the future, but should you wish to volunteer feel free to speak with them.

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

February 1996

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of these fair lands, on this 29th day of February, A.S.XXX (1996).

The Horns of War are quiet for now, but the memory of their call still lingers on as those veterans of the Twelfth Estrella War return home. Three Rivers’ response in answer to Their Majesties’ call to arms made Us most proud. Almost a quarter of the Calontir contingent came from Three Rivers! Thirty gentles of Our populace made the long journey to fight, or to support the army, upon Estrella’s burning sands. Allied with our friends from the Outlands, Calontir’s forces swept the field in battle after battle. Upon the Bridges and on open and broken fields the Falcon flew victorious! The war was a spectacular success!

Back at home, preparations for Chieftains to Changelings were still underway. As Chief Steward, Lady Slaine ni Chiarain prepared the hall and the days activities while the Head Cook Mistress Corisander Seathwaite and her staff labored to prepare for the Changelings’ feast. All their efforts were most successful. Everyone We have spoken with enjoyed the day, and the food was certainly delicious. They both deserve special thanks for their hard work.

After the last six busy months (Carousel, Board Meeting, Grey Niche, Winter Court, Estrella, Chieftains) the next several months may well seem a chance to relax as we wait for Spring. Fighters, check your harness that all may be well as we enter the heavy fighting season. Artisans, perhaps now would be the time to begin planning those projects to avoid Ellien’s “What I would have done if I had had the time.” competition.

Wishing you all good cheer and warm hearths, we remain,

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

November 1995

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of these fair lands, on this 21st day of November, A.S.XXX (1995).

They Grey Niche War is fast becoming but a memory, but what a memory it will be.

The war was a spectacular success, with almost 500 attending. No one could have expected the stupendous turn-out from both Three Rivers and the rest of Calontir. Thanks to you all. Together we stood proudly both upon the field of battle and in the Arts and Sciences Competitions. Our support troops were also first rate. Special thanks are owed to Lord Svein Njalsson, who with the assistance of his wife Lady Dagny Vigunsdatter, coordinated the gifts of appreciation for our allies, as well as all those who provided these gifts. All those We have spoken with, from either side, has commented on the wonderful time they had. As We have said before, “So long as we all had fun, there are no losers.”

As most of you know by now, Fernando’s arm was broken near the end of the Woods Battle. So many of Our friends were so kind and helpful that We almost hate to mention names for fear of leaving someone out of the thanks. One person we do wish to thank by name though is Lord Stanislaus Blachuta, who gave up feast to drive Fernando to the hospital after court. Additional thanks are definitely owed to: those individuals who helped Fernando carry back, remove, and put away His armor; those who ended up helping Him to dress for and then survive Court; and especially to those who helped Us pack for the Trip home and take down Our Pavilion. These were things we simply could not have done by Ourselves, and your wonderful support has once again truly touched Our hearts. Thank you!

The week before the War, Three Rivers hosted the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The careful coordination of Lord Wulfric Aet Wealingaford, and the culinary skills of Lady Shariya bint Badr, combined with the hard work of many other members of the Barony, made the event a great success. We have even received letters from several of the Board members thanking us for the wonderful hospitality.

As the first touch of Winters chilling grip arrives, We hope it finds you all safe and warm, with plentiful harvests completed. With Winter’s progression, as we approach the Yule season, Three Rivers has traditionally held our local Winter Court.

This year Lord Jack of Tanyard, as Chief Steward, has planned a day of joyful merriment, filled with friendly competitions and tests of martial skill. The evening will begin with a traditional Spanish feast, prepared by Vicente Cuenca and his staff. During the feast, in period style, we will be entertained by an adaptation of the play Everyman , directed by Lady Gudrun Sveasdottir. Following the feast will be a dessert revel and dancing ball. Of course there will also be a post-revel for those of us not sufficiently worn out by the day’s and evening’s activities. We hope that all of Our friends will join us in this Winter’s diversion upon the 16th of December.

Three Rivers has for many years been well served by Champions of the martial skills of Fighting and Archery.  We feel that the Barony can be equally well served by a Champion of the Arts and Sciences.  To this end, in consultation with Our Minister of Arts and Sciences, Lady Ellien Chadaway, We have decided to hold the first Baronial Arts and Sciences Champi­onship at Winter Court.  Any artisan may enter.  There are no fixed categories – No “blank” in any medium.  Enter whatever you wish.  Any entry will be judged.  However, in order to be considered for the Championship your entry, or entries, must display at least 3 different skills.  You might enter three different pieces – one showing each skill, or they could be combined into one or two separate items.  For example, an illuminated box might combine woodworking and painting.  This competition will be held in the Queen’s Prize Tourney format, so everyone is encouraged to bring small tokens (such as beads or ribbons) to award to their favorite en­tries.

Wishing you all good cheer and warm hearths, we remain,

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Fernando and Lyriel

October 1995

Unto the populace of the Barony of Three Rivers are sent greetings from Fernando and Lyriel, Baron and Baronne of these fair lands, on this 20th day of October, A.S.XXX (1995).

The last two months have been very busy for our barony.  Aside from our own Calontir Carousel, Celtic Days demo, Show Me St. Louis demo, Board Meeting, and preparations for the War with Grey Niche, a large number of our populace has been on the road.  As usual, we have made our presence known at events across Calontir from Valor and the Raid on Lindens­farne, to the Coronation of Their Royal Majesties Gilligan and Aedelith and Blood of Heroes.  The Three Rivers contingent of almost thirty people at the Tournament of Valor in Vatavia, clear across the kingdom, is something of which we can all be proud.

Now disturbing news reaches us from Our scouts on the Southern borders.  Even as I write, the forces of the Barony of Grey Niche are mustering for war!  They are preparing to march North towards Three Rivers in hopes to find us easy marks.  Baron Guillermo, has summoned men from all across Meridies.  These troops, combined with the forces of Duke Kane Redfeather, Duke John the Bearkiller, and the levies of Grey Niche compose a force against which no Barony could stand alone!

But, no Calontiran need ever stand alone!  We have called for assistance on Their Majesties, Gilligan and Aedelith, who hold Our Oaths of Fealty, and they have answered Our call.  They shall join us.  We have called on our brothers and sisters with whom we have stood shoulder to shoulder on the sands of Estrella, or on the fields, woods and bridges of Pennsic, and they too have responded.  They shall join us.  From the Western steps of Vatavia and Spinning Winds, from the Southlands of Oakheart and Grimfells, from the Carlsby and Stand­ing Stones, from all across Calontir, forces do ride to our aid.  Even from the far Northern lands do friends from Ealdormere ride.

Together we shall form an army to make the Meridians tremble and of whom the bards will sing! On the 27th day of October we shall set forth to the South, that we may bring the forces of Grey Niche to battle on the 28th before they can march Northward. Prepare your harness; make ready your chargers. To Grey Niche we ride!

Fernando and Lyriel

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