The barony has purchased a new floor for fighting. We will be using it at Chieftains.
We are looking at options for disposal of the old floor, perhaps donating it to a shire or smaller group that could make use of it.
The Mason lodge has invited us to a corn beef and cabbage dinner on March 12. Flyers are available in the lobby.
Chieftains Announcements
Isabeau announced she is looking for additional feast stewards to serve.
Will need help with set-up and tear down.
Parking will be limited. Please carpool if possible.
Wayne will be driving a shuttle between site and overflow parking from 9-11am.
Populace Announcements
Rima noted that we are still in need of largesse to present to Their Majesties at Chieftains.
Jon announced his class this evening on the history of Ptolemy’s star catalog.
Melchor’s birthday is tomorrow and he is accepting challengers in exchange for cupcakes.
Sir Roger has found a linen supplier for $7-8 a yard in his home state of TX that he will be visiting shortly. If anyone wishes to go in on a bulk order please reach out to him.