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- Brynjolfr Inn Eyverski stepped down as Baronial herald. Melchor Eichmann was sworn in as the new Baronial herald.
- Kajsa Nikulasdotter was added to the Order of the Hyppogryph for her Groaning Board at Chieftains.
- Mjǫll Úlfarsdóttir informed the populace that she now has belt favors for those needing them on the Quest.
- Amba Allrasystir and Rivka bat Zakarriyya where awarded Talons. Amba for her prowess at fighting, and Rivka for the same at archery.
- Njall Thorsteinsson, Caoimhe of Three Rivers, and Brynjolfr Inn Eyverski awarded Garters for various service.
- Rima al Wadi was added to the Order of Gallantry.