Populace Meeting Announcements – 9/13/2023

  • We have several events coming up soon in B3R. Please remember to put in award recommendations (Kingdom and Local)
  • Gryphon’s Fest
    • Magda is looking for assistance with painting site tokens tonight
    • Hirsch is the marshal in charge for rattan combat and is looking for additional marshals (especially those marshals in training that need to inspect and authorize individuals) to assist
    • Gwynneth is in charge of the list tables and is seeking volunteers to assist
    • Merchants are welcome. You don’t need to be a huge merchant. Even if you just have a few things laying around your house you need to get rid of (that are SCA appropriate), feel free to bring them to sell
      • If you don’t want to sit around all day trying to sell your things, Jon Chesey will be running a consignment shop where you can drop things off
  • Bids for Winter Court and Chieftains will be due September 30, 2023
  • Our Minister of Youth is trying to get youth combat started. If you are a youth that is interested or a parent with an interested youth, please speak to them.
  • Caírech reminded us that Kingdom Arts & Sciences is coming in November. If you’re looking to enter, you should be thinking about what you’re wanting to do and getting started
  • Tonight’s class is on spinning using a drop spindle
  • Archery practice will continue the next 3-4 weeks depending on how long the light lasts. To get more time in, it will be starting at 5:30
    • At King’s Companie of Archers this past weekend, 13 members of the Barony participated and our Barony overall scored 3rd place.
  • Site Dinners
    • Last week’s fighter barbeque raised $475 for the Barony.
    • Next month’s site dinner (October) will be moved to November 11 so we can take a bit of a breather after Gryphons Fest. We are still seeking a lead cook.
    • November’s site dinner will be hosted by Magda and Melchor and their main entrée will be Cassoulet (a slow cooked French stew).
    • December’s site dinner will be later in the month (as opposed to the first Monday) as it is our annual bake sale and is best closer to the holidays.
    • January’s site dinner has a tentative date of Jan 3rd. Selene will be hosting a Ramen Bar.
  • Upcoming Events
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