There will be no meeting next week (December 27, 2023)!
The bake sale raised $726
We are currently looking to fill the following officer positions:
Gold Key
We will discuss applications at the next officer’s meeting on January 7th. Applications are due before then.
Knight’s Marshall
No due date yet
Winter Court Announcements:
Dammo is still looking for 1-2 more people for the 12-2 shift at gate and could use a backup for the 10-12 shift.
Helenos needs additional help with scrolls. Especially calligraphy. If you are able to help, please contact them!
Amba is the hall steward for the feast. If you would like to volunteer to help serve, please contact her.
The auction will be happening again this year. Please bring items to donate and money to spend.
Officer reports will be due January 15th. For those officers that have them, Domesday reports will be due the 31st.
Winter War Maneuvers is coming February 17th in preparation for Gulf Wars. Even if you are not attending Gulf Wars, please come to Winter War Maneuvers as we always need an opposition force to train against!
If you are planning on going to Gulf Wars, please sign the muster.
The January Site Dinner will be a Ramen bar. This will include vegetarian, vegan, and hallal/kosher options. If you don’t know what to bring, please speak to Selene.