Populace Meeting Announcements – 12/13/2023

  • Winter Court is coming soon.
    • We will be having our traditional auction. Please bring items to donate and money to spend.
    • Gate still needs volunteers for the 12:00-2:00 shift. Please contact Dammo if interested.
  • Next week’s meeting will be our annual bake sale. Please bring baked items to sell and money to spend.
  • Jack Banyard is soon to retire as Knights Marshal and will need to be replaced. If you are interested, please send a letter of interest to Their Excellencies and our Seneschal.
  • We are looking for a new Gold Key officer. Letters of interest will be discussed at the next officer’s meeting in January. Please submit letters before then.
  • There will be no meeting on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.
  • Mjoll is hosting a Quest discussion tonight.
  • The January Site Dinner will be a Ramen bar. This will include vegetarian, vegan, and hallal/kosher options. If you don’t know what to bring, please speak to Selene.
  • Fernando has new volumes of his Calontir at War series available (as well as old volumes). Please speak to him to purchase.
  • February 10, 2024 will be a Winter Equestrian Practice in preparation for Gulf Wars. Please speak to Sato if interested in participating.
  • Upcoming Events:
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