We will be having our traditional auction. Please bring items to donate and money to spend.
Gate still needs volunteers for the 12:00-2:00 shift. Please contact Dammo if interested.
Next week’s meeting will be our annual bake sale. Please bring baked items to sell and money to spend.
Jack Banyard is soon to retire as Knights Marshal and will need to be replaced. If you are interested, please send a letter of interest to Their Excellencies and our Seneschal.
We are looking for a new Gold Key officer. Letters of interest will be discussed at the next officer’s meeting in January. Please submit letters before then.
There will be no meeting on Wednesday, December 27, 2023.
The January Site Dinner will be a Ramen bar. This will include vegetarian, vegan, and hallal/kosher options. If you don’t know what to bring, please speak to Selene.
Fernando has new volumes of his Calontir at War series available (as well as old volumes). Please speak to him to purchase.
February 10, 2024 will be a Winter Equestrian Practice in preparation for Gulf Wars. Please speak to Sato if interested in participating.