There will be no meeting the week of Lilies (June 12).
Gwynneth is stepping down as seneschal at the end of the month. Yngvarr will replace her. Gwynneth thanked everyone for making her job easy.
At Valor this weekend:
Melchor won the Guardians of Valor tournament.
Berakha won the Valor Bardic and received her silver hammer.
Johann won the archery competition.
There will be no site dinner next week. Instead, the June and July site dinner will be combined on June 26. Rivka is the host and the theme will be “pasta bar.”
Bero is due to step down as Exchequer soon. Letters of intent to serve the office next will be due Friday, June 21. If you are interested, please send your letter to the current Exchequer, Seneschal, and Their Excellencies (all Emails can be found on the officers page).
The next officer’s meeting will be Sunday, June 23, 2024 (NOT the first Sunday of June). Letters of intent for Exchequer will be discussed at this meeting.
Alianor is organizing the Lilies Ball this year. It will be from 4pm-8pm on Thursday of Lilies. The first half will teach steps, followed by a break for dinner, and then resuming dancing but without further instruction. Please contact them with questions.
Kirk and Rochwen are the hosts for the B3R party at Lilies. They are looking for people to help with set-up, on-site food prep, serving, and tear-down. Please contact them to volunteer.
Rivka and Jon are the event stewards for Gryphon’s Fest this year.
They will be focusing on trying to make activities for everyone – not just fighters, archers, etc…. To that end, they request people volunteer to help run these activities. They are also looking for a sanitation crew chief.
They are also looking to do a site tour for those that haven’t seen the new site (Peace Tree Farms) on Sunday, June 2 at 2:00 pm.