A big thank you to everyone that helped with Winter Court.
Attendance was 163 people
The auction raised $9,007 – a new record!
If you have receipts for Winter Court, please make sure to turn them in to get reimbursed asap.
We are looking for marshals for the rattan tournaments.
Tournaments will be the standard mace and round shield as well as a great weapon tournament using the newly updated kingdom rules on polearms. 7.5ft weapons will be allowed.
Sancha is hosting a scribal gallery. She is looking for exceptional scrolls to display.
Odny is water bearer. Please contact her to volunteer.
Mjoll is doing a sponsoring dirty dozen largesse contest. Please contact her with questions.
Lumiere is in charge of tear down. Please contact him to volunteer.
Three Rivers is slated to host Coronation in February 2025. We will need bids by the end of this February.
A thank you to all officers for getting all reports in on time.
February 7 will be site dinner. This is the Chili Cookoff.
We are looking for a new Knight’s Marshal. Letters of Intent are due before the February 4th officer’s meeting which will be held on Zoom.
Yseult is looking for a deputy Minister of Youth. If interested, please contact them.
Gwynneth is going to Grey Niche (Memphis) for their Candlemas event and is looking to have some largesse to donate to their Excellencies and Majesties. If you can provide some, please contact her.
Lumiere is looking for tokens, baubles, and bits to be used as tokens for games that he is making for Gulf Wars. Please speak to him to donate.