Populace Meeting Announcements – 9/26/2024

  • Thank you to all who sent letters to Their Majesties regarding the candidates for Baronage.
  • Next week will be Site Dinner. Auga is coordinating. The theme will be soups.
    • The next site dinner will be Nov 6. Kajsa is looking for a coordinator.
  • Melchor is going to be updating the Baronial OP and asks everyone who has received awards recently to please help him ensure that their names are spelled correctly.
  • 1381 Chronicles is still looking for people for Gate, Set-Up, and Tear-Down.
    • Joey also indicated that his background check is likely not going to be complete in time and is therefore searching for someone with a current background check to assist with Youth Activities.
  • Winter Court
    • Please be thinking about items to donate to the auction.
    • Anzoy and Adam are looking for people to help with Gate, Set-Up, and Tear-Down.
    • Shoshanah is in charge of A&S for Winter Court. Looking for people that would like to teach classes or do displays. There will also be a 2 hour slot for long form bardic.
  • Upcoming Events:
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