Populace Meeting Announcements – 5/10/2023

  • New officer announcements
    • Mjoll is our new Chancellor of the Quest.
      • She announced that she will be revising the Quest book and will host monthly classes to discuss.
    • Hirsch is our new Demo coordinator.
  • Their Excellencies announced that they are seeking input for ways to involve the Barony in the community beyond doing demos.
  • Jon asked that all those attending his previous mead making classes bring back a sample of what they made on June 7 to share with the class. We will discuss what went right and wrong.
    • Jon also informs the populace that he is putting together a bulk order on honey. If anyone is interested in joining to save on shipping, please contact him.
  • Crown Tournament
    • The Event Stewards have asked for decorations for the event to help look the site less mundane. Please bring banners, tapestries, etc…
    • Volunteers are needed for various positions at Crown. This includes Setup, Feast, and Gate. Please contact Brynjolfr to assist.
    • Crew Chiefs (and anyone else interested) are invited to do a walkthrough of the site on Tuesday at 7pm.
  • Lilies
    • Their Excellency Tamar has volunteered to run our Gate day at Lilies. We will be running Gate on Monday, June 12, 8:00am – 8:00pm. For details, please see her post on Facebook.
    • Amba will be running the Monday Night Violence and needs hobby horses, kids foam throwing axes or Nerf arrows.
    • B3R Party
      • Gwyneth is the B3R party coordinator and asked for input on a theme of “movie night snacks” which received mixed reviews.
      • Jack Banyard is organizing the alcoholic bar at the B3R party. He is looking for donations from brewers. Cash donations to purchase supplies are also welcome.
      • Michael St. Ledger (aka Redboots) will be running the non alcoholic bar.
  • The Kingdom is looking for a new deputy list minister. Email the kingdom Earl Marshal if interested.
  • Upcoming classes:
    • 5/10
      • Introduction to Roman Garb by Berakha
    • 5/17
      • From Flax to Fabric by Brighid
    • 5/24
      • Viking Alliterative Poetry by Shoshanah
      • Leather Repair Night Part 1 by Kajsa
    • 5/31
      • Quest Q&A by Mjoll
      • Leather Repair Night Part 2 by Kajsa
  • Site Dinners
    • No site dinner in June.
    • Site dinner for July will be the 2nd week in July, hosted by the Officers, and combined with Birthday Bash. The theme will be “Birthday Food”.
  • Brighid announced that she was gifted two large bags of fiber and is offering some to those interested.
  • Upcoming Events:
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