Populace Meeting Announcements – 6/21/2023

  • Several Barony members were recognized at Lilies
    • Adelaide was added to the Order of the Laurel
    • Ravasz and Adelaide were both made OAFs during the Friday night B3R party
    • Baron Giacomo came in second place in the Baroness Cut & Thrust tournament
    • Melchor won the Water Bearer’s Tournament, coached by Lucian
    • Amba, coached by Duncan Fearmac, won populace choice
  • Our July site dinner/Birthday Bash is being moved back one week to July 19.
  • Officer reports are due at the end of the month.
  • Mjoll has new Quest books available.
  • We will be doing a Demo at the Mason’s Lodge on July 4th. We are invited to march in the parade if anyone is interested (NOTE: Last year we did and it was a >2 mile march in extremely hot weather. Doing so in armor is may not be recommended based on the weather). Please contact His Grace Hirsch to volunteer to participate.
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