Populace Meeting Announcements – 11/8/2023

  • Thanks to Magda for organizing tonight’s site dinner, as well as all the cooks that contributed.
  • At Kingdom A&S this past weekend, the barony had two big winners:
    • Helenos received their AoA and tied for Judges choice
    • Jon Chesey is the new Kingdom A&S champion
  • Toys for Tots is coming soon and donations of toys are needed. They should be at least $5, new, in packaging and unwrapped. If you are not attending but still want to donate, Gwynneth will transport them for you.
  • Crown tournament is less than a month away. We have several entrants from our Barony. Best of luck to all of them.
  • As of the officer’s meeting this past Sunday, we have several new officers:
    • Berakha will be the new Social Media officer.
    • Luna will be taking over as Webminister.
    • Jon Chesey will be taking over as Chronicler.
  • We are still looking for people to take over the following officer positions:
    • Gold Key
    • Chatelaine
    • We will be voting on candidates at the next officer’s meeting.
  • As Jon prepares to hand off Gold Key, he will be bringing in a few tubs of garb each week to be re-sorted and repaired (if necessary) through the end of the year. Please bring a few sewing machines to assist if possible.
  • The Winter Court flyer is available.
    • It’s not too late to make items for the auction.
  • Chieftains is a short 6 weeks after Winter court.
    • We are still in need of Set-Up and Tear-Down crew.
    • This is the event that we donate largesse to the kingdom so please be making things!
  • This Sunday, Shattered Crystal will be participating in a Demo. Fighters are needed. Please contact Hirsch for information or visit their Barony’s Facebook page.
  • Helenos is asking for anyone with Calligraphy and Illumination experience to assist with scrolls for Winter Court as it appears there will be several and they cannot do it alone!
  • Upcoming Events:
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