Populace Meeting Announcements – 11/15/2023

  • There will be no meeting next week on 11/22/2023 as that will be Thanksgiving Eve.
  • The next business meeting will be on December 3rd at 7:30pm on Zoom.
    • Links will be posted in the Facebook Group shortly before the meeting starts.
    • We will be discussing applications for the Chatelaine position.
      • Applications for this position will be due Friday December 1st at midnight.
  • Open officer positions:
    • Gold Key
  • As Jon prepares to hand off Gold Key, he will be bringing in a few tubs of garb each week to be re-sorted and repaired (if necessary) through the end of the year. Please bring a few sewing machines to assist if possible.
  • Jon also announced that he will be taking over the Chronicler position in January. During his tenure he is looking to publish a series of articles on how to run events. If you have questions that you want answered, please let him know so he can ensure they are covered.
  • Winter Court will be January 13th
    • We will have our usual auction so please make or find items to donate.
    • Volunteering opportunities
      • The event stewards are especially wanting to have new people volunteer. If you are interested but unsure, please volunteer and they will make sure you’re partnered with someone with experience.
      • Anyone who volunteers in any manner will have their site fee paid for.
      • Dammo is in charge of Gate and needs volunteers.
  • Tonight’s class will be Kajsa teaching her Pie Crust class.
  • John Cleese of Monty Python fame is in St Louis this week and will be at the Factory in Chesterfield tomorrow, Thursday November 16 for those interested.
  • Upcoming Events:
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