There will be no meeting next week on 11/22/2023 as that will be Thanksgiving Eve.
The next business meeting will be on December 3rd at 7:30pm on Zoom.
Links will be posted in the Facebook Group shortly before the meeting starts.
We will be discussing applications for the Chatelaine position.
Applications for this position will be due Friday December 1st at midnight.
Open officer positions:
Gold Key
As Jon prepares to hand off Gold Key, he will be bringing in a few tubs of garb each week to be re-sorted and repaired (if necessary) through the end of the year. Please bring a few sewing machines to assist if possible.
Jon also announced that he will be taking over the Chronicler position in January. During his tenure he is looking to publish a series of articles on how to run events. If you have questions that you want answered, please let him know so he can ensure they are covered.
Winter Court will be January 13th
We will have our usual auction so please make or find items to donate.
Volunteering opportunities
The event stewards are especially wanting to have new people volunteer. If you are interested but unsure, please volunteer and they will make sure you’re partnered with someone with experience.
Anyone who volunteers in any manner will have their site fee paid for.
Dammo is in charge of Gate and needs volunteers.
Tonight’s class will be Kajsa teaching her Pie Crust class.
John Cleese of Monty Python fame is in St Louis this week and will be at the Factory in Chesterfield tomorrow, Thursday November 16 for those interested.