Populace Meeting Announcements – 2/14/2024

  • Our Baronial Equestrian Championship was hosted this past weekend and Amba is our newest champion.
  • We are looking for bids to host Coronation in February 2025. Bids are due by the end of the month.
  • Also looking for bids for Gryphon’s Fest. These will be due by the end of March.
  • Gwynneth’s time as Seneschal is coming to an end and she is looking for a replacement. Letters of Intent are due by March 10. For more information on what a Seneschal does, please see this infographic.
  • Kajsa has informed us that we have no hosts lined up for site dinners for the rest of the year. If you’d like to host, let her know!
  • Selene told us about upcoming water bearing activities. For upcoming wars, we will now be having complete water bearing and soup kitchen for both rattan and steel fighters. At Winter War Maneuvers, we will be having classes on how the soup kitchen works, as well as classes on water bearing, both in the morning. Additionally, there will be an open discussion during lunch to discuss the changes with anyone wanting to attend.
  • If any officers need funds for the upcoming year, they should begin preparing budgets for review at the next Officer’s meeting.
  • Baba has informed us that he has a source for a lot of street sign metal for anyone who could use it for armor making.
  • Chieftains:
    • Jon has volunteered to organize Crash space. If you have space available please contact him and let him know what space you have available and what allergens or other concerns may be a factor for guests.
    • Setup will be organized by Katerine and Corbin. If you are available to help Friday before the event, please contact them.
    • Uaithne still needs a few more people at Gate.
    • Rattan combat will be the traditional mace and round shield tournament followed by a great weapons tournament using the new 7.5ft rules.
    • The steel field will have three tournaments. Rolant is running it and seeks more help at the list table and heralding.
    • Mjoll is doing a sponsoring dirty dozen largesse contest. Please contact her with questions.
    • Sancha is hosting a scribal gallery. She is looking for exceptional scrolls to display. If you are submitting one, please bring it to meeting and include a 3×5″ card with details on the scribe, illuminator, etc… as well as your information on the reverse to ensure it is returned to you.
    • Yseult will be running youth combat and youth activities. Please contact them if you would like to help.
    • There will be a lot of classes. So many, we will be using 2 rooms.
    • We have several A&S competitions:
      • Baronial A&S Championship – “River” in any medium
      • Hospitality as your persona would have performed or thanked for it
      • Hospitality table competition
      • A period cursing competition sponsored by Padraigin
    • Apple will be running an Inn and asks for volunteers to help
    • Lumiere is in charge of tear-down and seeks volunteers
    • If anyone needs to do a walkthrough of the site, there will be a walkthrough available on Thursday, February 15 at 7:30pm. Please speak to Amba to arrange to attend.
  • Upcoming Events: