Populace Meeting Announcements – 5/24/2023

  • Due to the number of upcoming events, we are rescheduling the next officers meeting. Instead of being the Monday after Crown Tournament (June 4), we will be hosting it at meeting next week (May 31).
  • Crown Tournament
    • We are still seeking volunteers for the following:
      • Set-Up – Speak to Havar
      • Parking Shuttle – Speak to Wayne
      • Feast Cooks – Speak to Isabol
      • Feast Servers – Speak to Amba
      • Tear Down – Speak to Lumiere
    • We are also looking for decorations for the site to make it look less like a gym. If you have white tablecloths for the privy chamber (6′ or 8′) please bring them.
  • Lilies
    • Tamar is the coordinator for the B3R gate day (Monday). She is still looking for volunteers.
    • Gwyneth is in charge of the B3R party (Friday). The theme will be snack foods.
    • Jack Banyard is is charge of the alcohol bar and is looking for donations of brewed beverages or cash donations (to him) to purchase keg(s).
    • Shoshanah is in charge of camp heralds for the event and is looking for people to do camp cries.
  • Their Excellencies and our Seneschal wanted to recognize Alexander the Red for his outstanding service recently at St. George and the Dragon where he helped others take down tents the morning after a thunderstorm.
  • Shoshanah is teaching her Alliterative Anglo Saxon Poetry class tonight.
  • Upcoming Events:
    • May 26-29: Valor in Benton, KS
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