Populace Meeting Announcements – 2/28/2024

  • Our next Officer Meeting will be March 3 at 7:30pm on Zoom. A link will be posted on the Baronial Facebook Group and other social media channels shortly before
    • Budgets for offices will be due at that time
  • Gwynneth’s time as Seneschal is coming to an end and she is looking for a replacement. Letters of Intent are due by March 10. For more information on what a Seneschal does, please see this infographic. Interviews for the position will be done in person at the meeting on March 20
  • Amba thanked all those that helped with Cheiftains
    • If you have receipts from Chieftains that need reimbursement, please turn them into Bero as soon as possible
    • Please remember to write awards recs for those you saw helping and are eligible
    • There have been a handful of cases of individuals testing positive for COVID following Chieftains
    • If you had scrolls in the scroll gallery, please remember to retrieve them from Oddny
  • Cairech is seeking volunteers to teach classes. To volunteer, speak to him
  • Queen’s Prize is coming up. The deadline to register as an entrant is March 26
  • Spring Rush is March 9
  • We will have a local meeting the week of Gulf Wars
  • Lumiere is looking for tokens, baubles, and bits to be used as tokens for games that he is making for Gulf Wars. Please speak to him to donate
  • Upcoming Events:
    • March 9: Spring RUSH (Emporia, KS)
    • March 9Gulf Wars (Lumberton, MS)
    • March 23Coronation (Independence, MO)
    • April 6Queen’s Prize (Carthage, MO)
      • Entries for submissions are now open and will close at 11pm on March 26.
        • To enter, you must not have a GoA in an art or science and will need someone that does have a GoA or peerage in an art or science as a sponsor. Many sponsors are available.
      • Volunteers for judges are needed. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form.
    • April 13Crown Tournament (Boone, IA)
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