Our next Officer Meeting will be March 3 at 7:30pm on Zoom. A link will be posted on the Baronial Facebook Group and other social media channels shortly before
Budgets for offices will be due at that time
Gwynneth’s time as Seneschal is coming to an end and she is looking for a replacement. Letters of Intent are due by March 10. For more information on what a Seneschal does, please see this infographic. Interviews for the position will be done in person at the meeting on March 20
Amba thanked all those that helped with Cheiftains
If you have receipts from Chieftains that need reimbursement, please turn them into Bero as soon as possible
Please remember to write awards recs for those you saw helping and are eligible
There have been a handful of cases of individuals testing positive for COVID following Chieftains
If you had scrolls in the scroll gallery, please remember to retrieve them from Oddny
Cairech is seeking volunteers to teach classes. To volunteer, speak to him
Queen’s Prize is coming up. The deadline to register as an entrant is March 26
Spring Rush is March 9
We will have a local meeting the week of Gulf Wars
Lumiere is looking for tokens, baubles, and bits to be used as tokens for games that he is making for Gulf Wars. Please speak to him to donate
Entries for submissions are now open and will close at 11pm on March 26.
To enter, you must not have a GoA in an art or science and will need someone that does have a GoA or peerage in an art or science as a sponsor. Many sponsors are available.
Volunteers for judges are needed. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out this form.